Shark feeds homeless Amazing that this shark was donated to an organization to help feed some homeless people. 75 pounds of meat, that is alot. Thought it was good of this fisherman to do! Glad it wasn't just picked up for sport mounted on a wall somewhere. Would you ever eat shark? Log In
This thread rather confuses me. The title says "Cat found in a car engine" but then it's about sharks feeding the homeless? lol Anyway, yes, I have eaten shark and I'd eat it again. It's really nothing special, though. At least the varieties I've had, don't taste like much of anything.
Cat and shark, eh? I've read stories about Islanders for whom shark fishing isn't sport. It's food for them. Since none of them had ever died because they ate sharks, I suppose they are relatively safe to eat. But for me to eat a shark, it would depend on how it was cooked. But since sharks occasionally eat humans on second thought I don't think I'd touch shark meat. Log In
Did she shark eat the cat? Where I come from, shark meat is common in fish shops. It's called Flake and it is very meaty. I have tried it once or twice, but I can't say that I really liked it very much. Sharks are highly intelligent creatures and much misunderstood by humans. All we ever hear about in the media is sharks killing humans, and that they (the sharks) need culling. Personally, I think that humans don't need to claim every place in this world, but should stay out of certain areas where large numbers of sharks like to congregate.
Wait I'm confused... maybe the op got the tittle or article mixed up? Anyways it's pretty common for cats to be found inside cars. When it's cold they seek out a warm place to hide, and cats also feel safer in small spaces. There are even a couple of stories where the car is driven for a while before realizing there's a cat in there and the cat manages to survive. But it's actually pretty dangerous. It's not so much of an issue here because we have warm weather, but sometimes cats hide under cars for shade too when there's no other shady area around. As for the shark thing, I've never had it. I don't think I would eat it unless I was starving and had no choice.
How does shark meat taste like? I have never tasted shark meat yet, and I wonder how it tastes like. Anyway, I think the author of this thread can't edit the title anymore, because I also notice that I can't edit the title anymore if I create a thread. So it's stuck with the wrong title.