Why do cable companies still charge you to watch movies (even old ones) on demand? You are already paying a lot for cable, why can't they open their tight wallets and stop charging you? Of course they would probably say that it has to do with royalties.
Well, of course it has to do with royalties. The only reason you pay so much for cable is because the cable company has to pay the network stations money for permission to access their broadcast. It costs a ton to get movies on demand, and some movies are free sometimes. Just because you pay a ton for cable doesn't mean that they have the money to give movies out for free.
Well I find the older movies on the demand often play for free on the regular cable channels, so you can avoid paying to see those movies anyway.
I thought about the same thing i don't see the point of charging for old movies i understand the new ones but the old ones sometimes i can find some old movies that don't charge but that is rare to find.