You don't need to spend megabucks on excercise equipment - sometimes the things that will help you the most are the things that cost the least. For example, a jump rope can be bought very cheaply, and so can a hula hoop. These kids toys can be very effective for exercising. And what about those plastic bats and balls that kids take to the beach? Instead of buying hand weights, use a couple of 400g food cans, or two 500cl bottles of water - they work just as well as that sassy set of weights, but effectively, they cost nothing, as you can eat the contents of the cans and drink the bottles of water. Do you have any cheap alternatives to exercise equipment?
These are some very good alternatives. There is a store that specifically sells used sporting and exercising equipment. They are a nationwide chain (for the US). Play it Again Sports. Log In
Getting a cheap gym membership pass works a lot better than getting your own equipment. It saves you a hell of a lot of money and also enables you to exercise whenever you want. It's a brilliant alternative, probably the best.
I take your point, but not everybody can get to a gym, or use gym equipment. For people who can't afford even a cheap gym membership, I just wanted to point out that there are alternatives. My doctor has advised me not to use weight machines because of health issues, so a gym is out for me. I swim and walk, but I also try to think of different methods of exercising.
I think getting a jump rope is a great alternative. You can also invest in a big yoga ball for its versatile uses. I would also suggest purchasing a great pair of sneakers to go for a walk, jog or early morning run.
Honestly the cheapest alternative I have to gym equipment is my own body. Sounds weird, right? But I walk or jog up steep hills and the stairs on the bleachers at the local high school and that’s a cardio workout AND a leg strengthening workout. I do pushups and crunches and squats and lunges – you don’t need any equipment to get a great workout from calisthenics. I borrow exercise DVDs from the library for free to do fun cardio workouts without getting bored doing the same old thing. Kickboxing one week, belly dancing the next… I do have 2 pairs of dumbbells though when I want more of an intense arm workout or to make squats more intense, but I got them on sale for about $5 each.
I'm not sure if any of you have considered this, but there are really heavy resistance bands out there that would be a well worthy substitute for weights. On Amazon, there are extremely cheap, reliable resistance bands that even the most athletic of men would find useful. I hate how resistance bands have this feminine stigma to them. They are pretty good at providing an easy, cheap method to working out for anyone willing to give them a try.
I usually jog and do serious road work in the evening or morning and enrolled my son to a martial arts gym. He was getting too hooked up with PS3 and looked obese. At first he was not happy but now he cherishes every single moment he is in that gym.
The lowly brush is a very good aid for exercising. Use it to scrub the floor. Vigorously. You get exercise and the floor gets a thorough cleaning.
I would agree that it's best to just be a gym member than buy those equipment. It's going to save you a lot of money. Or if you really don't want to spend, you can always run and walk and it's absolutely free!
I read an article on Muscle and Fitness magazine that a great alternative to purchasing expensive machines or equipment is to make a beautiful outdoor workout with exercises like lunges,push ups and abdominal crunch. I'm going to the gym for seven years, but sometimes I prefer to train outside.
Bodyweight exercises are free and convenient. I was recently abroad for 3 weeks, and found that there was always a place to do some pull-ups, no matter where I went. Israel has developed sites where bodyweight training equipment is installed, and the public can use it free of charge. I have to mention, though, that a gym membership is very valuable. One can try to negotiate the price of membership with a private gym, while community establishments are often a low cost solution. There is some equipment which costs a lot of money. It makes sense to pay to be able to use these machines without putting money down up front. For example, squat/power racks can cost over $400, whereas a gym membership can cost only a portion of that for a whole year.
I think that the best types of exercises are the ones that don't require anything. Think of all the possibilities that you can do without any type of exercise equipment. For arm muscles and biceps, you can use your own body weight to do push ups, and for abdominal exercises, there are a wide range of effective exercises available to keep you in shape such as crunches, sit-ups, or planks. If you need to tone up your legs, then go for the old fashioned way of running, or even walking. Running is one of the most valued exercises available, as it interacts with the whole body. If none of these appeal to you, you could always just purchase a pool pass, and swim to exercise. Water creates the resistance you need to tone your body. In my opinion, I think the best exercises are the ones that don't need any equipment at all. Think of those past few decades where all the fancy equipment didn't exist. People were still in shape without any $1000 machines that can be replaced by your own body weight.
Running sneakers and ipod and the great outdoors. You might also enjoy the challenge and benefits of this simple, inexpensive exercise with your friends. It's less boring especially if you're running in different places.
A cheap alternative way to have results like that of expensive workout equipments are jogging, push ups and curl ups. I think these three alone can give you a very good body if you just do it regularly coupled with good diet. You don't have to make all those home made barbels and dumbbells. Just do push ups daily and you will improve you triceps and biceps. Do curl ups and you will improve your abs and jogging can be a good cardio exercise.
A cheap alternative to going to the gym is YouTube channels. There are several different workout routines anyone could watch from home and repeat them anywhere and anytime. YouTube is a website full of different workout videos and tutorials on how to lose weight effectively without spending any money on equipment or videos.
Resistance bands are very cheap and have unlimited possibilities. You can double the band to get extra resistance, then you can add more reps to increase the challenge. They come in all strengths and are super light, which allows you to take them anywhere. When you work out with a resistance band, it doesn't cause a whole lot of noise as push-ups or sit-ups might. They are also very easy on your joints, which makes it hard to injure yourself using one.
I have found that Play It Again Sports was actually pretty pricey. But that might have just been in my area. I hope you have better luck there if you take a look for equipment there.
You mean more exercise than chasing 8 kids around? lol I love to walk with my kids and swim at the lake. Mine all enjoy sports so we are usualy at some sporting events. The local park usualy has a walking trail or track. I also walk the dog. No one else seems to want to. We try to start our day with stretching exercises. I have a pilates video we try and work out to. I think it helps gets the kids blood flow going and their minds work better for school. We also camp and garden and their is endless laundry and hosework. Dang I may need a nap .
Sometimes, you won't even need exercise equipment. If you know what you're doing, you can pretty much have a proper work out with just moving your body and following planned out exercise rhythms.