Sunscreen is a vital product when it comes to maintaining skin health, delay aging and keep skin cancer at bay especially in sunny and hot climates. It may prove costly and the percentage in a given lotion is usually low. A cheap sunscreen can be manufactured by mixing zinc oxide with any jelly and you are good to go. Zinc oxide is a good sunscreen and one can acquire it from health stores and chemical companies.
Wow, I never thought of this idea! Thank you for sharing this one. Out of curiosity, I researched about DIY sunscreens and here's a great recipe I found:Coconut OilCarrier Oil (Almond, Jojoba, Apricot etc.)BeeswaxShea ButterZinc OxideVitamin EYou basically mix them all together and let them melt, except for the zinc oxide. Once they have mixed completely, you can then add the zinc oxide slowly into the mixture. Continue mixing until the sunscreen is throughly mixed. Let it sit for a while to cool and transfer into a container. There you go, it's very easy but it works like wonders, according to reviews. I'll give it a try sometime this week as well.
I think it can be dangerous to make your own sunscreen, because you need to have adequate protection against burning. Even some sun creams aren't that strong and it's not worth taking a risk and getting sunburn and potentially skin cancer. I have encountered sunburn a few times despite using high factors, so using a homemade one would have left me burnt and in pain.
As sunscreen is for sure - a vital product when it comes to maintaining skin health and especially so - considering the fact that the number of cases of melanoma are increasing rapidly every year - I too would agree - that relying on homemade sunscreen as your only protection would be extremely unwise and not at all advisable. In fact - although making your own sunscreen might appear to be a cheaper option - bearing in mind - that not only is there absolutely no way of guaranteeing that any homemade sunscreen would offer full broad spectrum SPF - as there no way of testing it - but more importantly - as both zinc oxide and titanium dioxide particles tend to clump up and also have a tendency to settle to the bottom of homemade creams and lotions - as its impossible to mix them properly without commercial equipment - and its therefore highly unlikely to offer much if any protection at all - it would in all honesty be false economy. Especially as - apart from putting your health at risk - the cost of a good quality sunscreen that will actually to do the job of protecting your skin - is nothing in comparison to the cost of the huge medical bills that could and can arise from not using adequate sun protection.
Yes, I think that making your own sunscreen would be cheaper, but skin health is really too important to take chances with. Unless you have a degree in chemistry or pharmacy sciences, I would think it would be hard to get the proportions exactly right, and protect yourself fully from the rays of the sun. Sunscreen can be expensive, but if you purchase it off season, or in a discount store it doesn't cost that much. I would rather use a commercial brand. Anyway, after you bought all those ingredients, I don't know if would end up being cheaper overall anyway.
I never use any kind of sunscreen. I try to start slow with being in the sun in the spring, and also go out when the sun is not directly overhead, so earlier in the morning, or later in the afternoon. If I put anything on my skin, it is usually pure cocout oil, and i love the wonderful smell of coconut anyway. If I am also going to be in the swimming pool, I usually don't put any oil on until after I am finished swimming. I don' t like using chemicals on my skin, and just the plain coconut oil works best for me.