This is depending on what a person looks forward to acheiving. If one wants a normal work out to stay healthy then I would say that at home workouts will safe more money, since this only required simpler workout routines. If one wants to work on body image than going to the gym is a better idea since they have all the toold needed to tone the body.
I look at the gym like I look at diets: I hate them both. They’re good to do if you need it , but I would much rather live an active lifestyle. Exercise doesn’t have to mean spending $50 a month at the gym or half of your day on the treadmill. For most of us that live a busy, sedentary life, any movement at ALL is better than sitting in our cube, car, or bed (which probably takes up most of our lives). The important thing to remember is just to keep moving, no matter what that looks like.
Depends on your goal. Home workout can be effective as much as the one in the gym. If you want to lose weight, some fat, then there is no need for the gym. But, if your goal is to gain weight and muscles, home probably isn't the best solution.
I spent so much time inside gyms growing up as a kid in a cold climate-so I moved to a warmer climate so I could be outside more. I like to go to the park(they have a running track and some outdoor gym stuff) these days to get my exercise zen on-and either ride my bike or go with others. I find gyms give me anxiety and they are to claustrophobic as well-to many germs and gym rats for my taste. Also I like the beach for exercise and motivation sometimes-because inside or around your house can be a challenge?
It's where you're comfortable at exercising and what you can afford a gym or exercise at home. Some are shy, so they might want to exercise at home. Some may want the encouragement or equipment to get in shape or stay in shape that a gym can give. What ever you decide good luck!
I have had enough of gyms and official coaching centers in the past so now my favorite places to exercise is park in front of my house in my present location and a public park meant for this specific purpose back in my own country. I have different exercising equipment in place in both the parks I mentioned here. There is no better place than open areas for light exercises unless your exercise is for any specific purpose under the guidance of experts.