Chinks in the Ministry-Armor - Shouldn't KCM (Ken Copeland Ministries) Use 'Links to BibleGateway' i

Discussion in Misc & Others started by mythman • Apr 30, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    (KCM) gives us a Bible-reading-plan---a list of chapters-of-books-of-the-Bible to read each day in order to go through the whole Bible in one year. That's great in the other places I've seen it (their Believers' Voice of Victory-magazine, the calendar they give F.REE to their "Partners"), but their online delivery of it links the listed chapter-numbers to their own online-publish of the Scriptures.

    That seems stupid, when they could just-as-easily (if not MORE-easily) link to the selected Scriptures on

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    ---where ALL translations are available, with the option of loading up to five translations in parallel ... along with all the other commentaries-etc.

    BibleGateway is the gift of God to Internet-users to use---the gift of God for webmasters to link-to. Is Kenneth Copeland Ministries' decision not to use it a refusal of God's gift?