While holiday shopping, I have noticed that many stores offer holiday specials on gifts for pets, such as pet toys, beds, and treats. I have a dog who I love dearly, however, I do not purchase Christmas gifts for him. Sometimes I will purchase a new dog bed around the holidays for him, because they go on sale around the holidays. Do you purchase holiday gifts for your pets? Why or why not? If you do, what do you plan on buying for them this year?
I have never purchased a gift for my pet cat yet, although I give him food that is for humans and in generous portions as a "gift". Come to think of it, my cat deserves a gift too for catching rats, lol.
I've never bought my pets Christmas gifts and I never will. It might be a special occasion yes, that I must admit, but since the pet get treats all the time better to save the money I'd spend on some fancy gift and get the pets a treat any other time of the year. In any case I always make my pets toys so there really isn't I could buy them.
Yes, I usually give my pets something for the holidays. They are my friends and companions and a member of the family, so it seems fitting. One year I got my dog a dog bed though, and he didn't like it. He would only sit in it, if I asked him to. I am not sure about what I will buy...cats seem to like those little balls that have the bells in them.
I actually do not buy gifts for my pets but I buy for the pets of my friends. I am a certified dog lover so I have pet lover friends especially in social media. We usually send gifts for Christmas like clothes for my dogs, treats and toys. In gatherings for the holiday season, I also receive some gifts for my pets coming not only from my friends but also from my colleagues.
I don't buy gifts for pets, because I think it is a waste of money as they don't understand what is going on at all. I love animals, and treat them right for the whole of the year, rather than only thinking about what they might need at festive times. I enjoy giving treats to animals, but you can use cheap treats for this purpose all year round, you do not necessarily need a special occasion to do it.
Much as all my cats are extremely precious to me - no I don't buy them Christmas gifts - simply because - as pets have absolutely no idea what gifts or even what festive occasions are - let alone understand the reason for us giving them gifts - I much prefer to give all my cats treats and toys throughout the year - rather than restrict them to a particular time of year or special occasions. Apart from that - as what we as humans regard as a gift - isn't generally something that most pets get much pleasure from - I can't see much point in buying them either - particularly as the majority of my cats have been absolutely terrified of most of the bought toys and gifts they've been given.
I don't have any pets but if I did I this I would buy pet items around this time, but not really due to the spirit of Christmas because obviously the animals can't possibly understand that, but I think it is still a good time to buy items you've been meaning to get since everything is bound to be on sale this season and you will probably have a better chance of getting the item for a much lower price. If I found enough promos I would probably just get everything they would need around this season so I end up spending as little as possible during the rest of the year.
I don't buy Christmas gifts for my dog Stefano because he doesn't know what day it is. I bought him a striped sweater last winter, but that wasn't about Christmas. That was because he's a skinny dog that shivers when it gets too cold. I think small dogs look adorable in Santa hats, but as a frugal person, I can't justify wasting money like that.