A lot of the personal finance advice online is very much geared towards a US audience. As a result it's not always easy to compare needs like-for-like. Advice on countering high healthcare costs, size of student loans, global tax treatment and so on may be far more relevant to US citizens. For those non-US people out there, who have no comprehension of Roth IRAs or 401Ks, what areas interest you? There are bound to be some broad concepts that are more relevant/important to you.
I totally agree. Those financial gurus are mostly US-based so you understand where their bias is coming from. If you did read Robert Kiyosaki's book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, his advice was very practical and people from all walks of life can basically relate to and understand the points he raised. His discussions weren't too America-centric. Instead, he used his personal experience and knowledge to explain to readers how he managed to attain financial freedom.