Tell what made you a Die Hard fan and which film is your favorite and you can have a chance to win $4,000.00! I found the contest on the craftsman club site hosted by Sears. The contest is marketing for men, but everyone qualifies to enter. You must create and account or log in to enter. Here is the link to the actual contest: Log In lid=cc_dh_fans_vote_v02&rioptype=CC&ruid=2012431&sid=IOx20160803SYRPRMCFTx01728508x2012431xCCDIEHRDYA&eml=26756124
Sweepstakes that are writing contests are actually the best kind to enter. I had read that most people don't enter them because it consists of writing. People would rather just click and enter. I told myself that I would stop being lazy and start entering writing contests. One of my aunts had entered one and she actually won!