My brother is in the market for a convertible car seat but he's undecided as to which one to buy and get the best value for his money. His son is 11 months old and he's pretty much too heavy for the infant car seat that you can just take out of the car and carry now. So he needs a seat that can still rear face but my brother wants one that will forward face when he gets big enough, so then he won't have to spend more money on a new seat. Does anyone have a specific seat they would reccomend that won't break the bank at the same time? There are so ve very fancy and beautiful convertible car seats out there but the price of them are outrageous in my opinion!
Yes, they are expensive because they pretty much take advantage of the fact that we parents are willing to pay almost anything we can for the safety of our kids. I think you should go for a seat that definitely has a good quality, better safe than sorry, I can't advise for a specific brand as I am not in the US.
My sister used a Cosco convertible seat for the safety of my niece. I think it`s the cheapest one (about $40), but it`s quite rigid, the baby will be forced to stay in a certain position. If you wish to create a sense of comfort, you will have to add a smooth blanket