I'm going to be spending some time with my friend soon and she doesn't watch too many videos on YouTube and I'd love to show her some. The problem is that I've mostly forgotten about all the videos that have entertained me in the past so I'm drawing a blank now that I feel pressured to remember them. I'm hoping some of you would share with me some hidden gems of entertaining videos on YouTube that you've found. It doesn't have to be any specific genre or topic and it doesn't necessarily have to be funny just as long as it is amusing or entertaining. Thanks!
The beauty with YouTube is that once you watch one video, everything just follows and the next thing you know you've spent hours watching random vids! Lol! But just to have something to suggest, you can start with Vine videos. I also like watching documentaries.
Vine videos are your best bet. I get so much amusement and entertainment from watching those videos either on Vine itself or in some of those monthly best of compilations that they post on YouTube. Not all the videos are good or completely absent of some stupidity, but it can be a great way to unwind, cheer up or pass some time.
Jimmy Kimmel has lots of funny videos an Youtube that you can chose from, the videos with the kids are the funniest. Just type in Jimmey Kimmel. The videos of people on rides screaming are always funny as well. The best videos in my opinion are any video that has kids in it, you can always get a good laugh. Once you start watching, you won't be able to stop.
I suggest that you create a google/gmail account which you can also use to login in YouTube. If you happen to find some good video clips that really interests or entertains you, you can subscribe to the video uploader so you can always come back to it everytime you want to see it again. Otherwise, the BOOKMARK feature of your browser could also help you remember it. Just make sure you organize it well. A messy favorite folder sometimes will give you hard time finding the link to your bookmarked pages.
YouTube has too many entertaining videos, for example, you can just type (Most Entertaining Videos) on YouTube search box! You will be so overwhelmed with the videos that will surely entertain you and your friend. I suggest you start with the serious subjects first, just simply ask your friend what subject/s that she have interest about, or what is the most scientific/religious/politics/mysteries subjects that she's curious about, and you can just simply type it in the search box and let YouTube take care of the rest! Since you've asked about what we've found interesting, I will share you with what I mostly watch when I'm viewing YouTube. Here's an example of what I mostly watch. A short documentary about Mysteries OF The Unexplained Events,Log In
I write,"Find what is something that is interesting to your friend OP, and then find a channel for her on YOutube to watch this is relative to her interest(s)." This way, it'll ease her into liking Youtube and eventually she'll adjust into it herself - some people like to dive into a pool, some like to slowly motion into a pool; maybe you friend is of the later category in regards to Youtube. I remember I did not like using Youtube the first time I heard about it in college back in 2007, but once I started exploring, I fount it to be a very valuable internet tool in helping me with college researches and projects.
Well, lately, I've been watching a lot of videos from nigahiga. If you want to watch something funny, go and look for his channel and you guys will surely have a lot of fun. He makes parodies and also talks about things that are just random. I'm telling you, he will make your day a happy one. Let me know what you think about him!
I've had a couple of laughs watching Bart Baker's videos on Youtube. You should check out his parody of "Wrecking Ball" first among his list of other music video parodies.
There was a time I watched numerous videos on youtube and the ones I liked best were prank-type videos [they were very funny], and compilations of fails. Thing about Fail videos is that there isn't much variety. Most of them are the same videos uploaded by a lot of different people. But what I would highly recommend is this: Log In They have lots of funny videos.
I LOVE Conan's Clueless Gamer. He always has me crying. I also enjoy equals3 and Jimmy Kimmel. Oh! And I think it's called Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. I especially love the prison and beauty pageant ones.
You can try funny cat videos for a start. I've watched numerous short video clips from Barcroft TV. The channel reports in documentary style and they're fond of covering bizarre subjects such as the case of the mermaid girl, twins who share the same lover and like to look exactly the same and the love story between a giant woman and an ordinary guy to name a few. Baby and dog videos are also fun to watch.
YouTube has a very dangerous, but effective process. Like others have said, as soon as you watch a video you are interested in, they will line up another 20+ to hook you in for the next few hours. Personally I like watching the folks who live interesting lives and do continuous video logs. Subscribe and get constant entertaining media without paying the greedy cable companies.
I watch videos on YouTube all the time and I've been looking at it for years. One thing that I always watched in the past was makeup tutorials because I'm into all that beauty stuff. I also watched cooking shows quite a lot due to the fact that I really enjoy it. I also go on to watch music videos, any good comedy, TV shows and movies. The videos on YouTube are very entertaining and you can watch anything on there.