In the recent years, I've been hearing a lot more about new versions of traditional items that I should be replacing to become more cost efficient, and I'm wondering what else I could be missing so that I could replace those items as well and end up paying a lot less in future costs. For example, I don't know if this has always been a thing, but I've only ever heard of people talking about split type air conditioners in the recent years and supposedly they are a lot less electricity hungry than their traditional counterparts. Also I've replaced all my old lightbulbs with new LED ones and I've seen a bit of drop in my electricity bills and although it might seem minuscule at first, it adds up to a substantial amount if you look at it annually. Any other modern versions of appliances and gadgets or just products in general that are a lot more beneficial and cost efficient than their traditional counterparts?
I am in love with solar technology and, as prices has been dropped in later times, I try to substitute old technology with their solar counterpart, if available. The easiest has been introducing solar lamps into landscaping and home decor. I'm also replacing regular battery chargers for sun-powered chargers. I would like to have a solar water heating system, but this is up to my landlord get it installed. Actually there are two other solar replacements I would like to get, but these are still too expensive to me; a full, real stove and a refrigerator, but solar-powered.
I've heard of smart power adapters that can save you a substantial amount of money. When charging a phone, tablet, or laptop, these adapters will give the charging device only the exact amount of energy it will need to operate. The electricity supply automatically cuts off once what the device needs to operate has been met. Every penny saved . . . they do add up eventually. Log In Green Plug is designed to switch off electrical appliances that are either accidentally left switched on or normally left on standby for long periods of time and can help reduce your average electricity consumption by 41%, and on individual appliances by up to 92%.