Curious! Halloween or Christmas?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by x0MandyLynn0x • Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Ruth B.

    Ruth B.Active Member

    May 12, 2014
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    For me, it's Halloween. The energy is just awesome this time of year. The pagan in me LOVES this energy of Samhain. There is a magical special feel to the air as the seasons change from summer into fall, and while I don't have pagans in person to celebrate it with, I feel it and celebrate by myself. This time of year is a very powerful time. It is also the beginning of the Celtic new year. While earth wise, spring is really about rebirth, in it's own way fall, Samhain is as well too. I always feel death and new beginnings at that time as well as spring. Probably because it's the new year on the 'very old' calender. Also according to Bashar, channelled by Daryl Anka, Halloween is the anniversary of the sinking of Atlantis.