Do you receive any discounts on your prescription medications? Many people get a better deal by choosing a generic version of their medication, if it is allowed by their healthcare provider. There are other options as well though. In some cases, you can get a pretty significant discount by "buying in bulk." They probably don't call it that, but if you take a medication all the time, you might find big savings by ordering 90 days worth at a time. It might not be available everywhere, but it's certainly worth asking. It can't hurt to check with your pharmacy.
Here's a site that I use to help me determine which pharmacies in my area have the lowest price on the medications that I need. I don't take prescriptions on a regular basis right now, but there are some I am supposed to be taking, so i keep my eye on them. One of the most important ones I should be on is not on the formulary for my prescription insurance company, so it's very expensive for me to purchase. This site uses your location to determine the lowest local prices, and if you sign up with them (it's free), they will send you emails about lowest prices on your target prescription medications, and also will send you a discount prescription card.Log In