My friend told me about Diablo III and wants me to get it so we can game online together. Is anyone else playing this game? What are some other RPG games you guys like?
I played for a bit. I did the WoW annual pass thing so I automatically got Diablo III for free with that. It's really not my style of game, though. A lot of my friends are currently obsessed with it, though, and having a blast. Did you play the first or second one?
I'm just going to get Torchlight II this summer, it's a lot like Diablo. It's just a lot cheaper ($20) and I already own the first game.
I really want to play Diablo 3 but my video card is not supported . I'm considering buying a new computer just so I can play. Has anyone tried to sell gear for real money yet? I remember reading an article about it being possible to make real money selling gear. The games that I am playing now are World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and Starcraft 2.
When my brothers started playing Diablo, I was probably 13 or 14 years old, and I wanted to play it so bad, but my brothers wouldn't let me because it was not suitable for me So, whenever they were not at home, I would sneak into the game room and I would play it. I had no idea what I was doing, but it was fun - lol. One of my brothers caught me one day, and well, he taught me how to play instead of punishing me *phew*. Well, safe to say that I got hooked on Diablo series and we've been playing the game together until I moved to another country Another RPG game that I enjoyed a lot is Baldur's Gate series.
I played the second one and will be playing Diablo III when I get the money to go pick it up. I'd prefer to wait until the price drops but I don't think I'll be able to wait that long.