I've always been a PC gamer but right now I'm considering buying an XBox One or a PS4. Problem is, there are few games to play and both consoles are rather expensive. Maybe if I wait until Christmas some price cuts or deals will make an appearance. What about you. Did you buy any of the next gen consoles, how do you feel about your purchase?
At the moment, PS4 beats the Xbox One hands down. This is not just because I have read it somewhere. I have actually used both of them and there is a lot of difference between the two. I have been addicted to using the PS4 just simply because of its features. I am sure if you try the two of them, then the difference will be clear.
My husband and I are planning on getting a Xbox one for Christmas mainly because of the new games that are only coming out on the xbone. I personally love the 360 and don't think they need a new console just yet but I'm cheap lol. On a bit of a different note I want a Wii U. I'm a huge Nintendo fan and they announced the new Zelda for Wii U that will be open world and multiplayer soooo that sounds amazing to me. Not to mention I think the gamepad is really cool technology.
I have both the Xbox One and PS4. I bought the PS4 and the One was given to me as a gift. My Xbox One just sits on the corner of my room collecting dust. PS4 is so much better in my opinion. I suggest you get the PS4. You won't regret it.
Nope. Not yet. I'm still deep into playing games on my PS3. I have so many games that I haven't played on the PS3 yet. Also, most of the games on the PS3 are now being sold at a discount so I'm currently content with what I have. However, there will come a time when I would get tired of the games on the PS3 because developers would no longer support the aging system. When that time comes, I'll make the switch to the "Current" generation of consoles - the PS4 or the Xbox One or the Wii U. Which console will I get? Well, I'll probably stick with the PS4.
Haven't bought one and I don't think I will be buying one for a long time because I still have a huge backlog of games on my current older console which is the PS3. Also, there aren't many games available for it yet anyway so I'm not really all that excited to get one and would much rather just wait and allow the library to build up as well as hopefully wait for the price to eventually lower.
Don't think I'll be buying them, ever. Most games come out for PC too nowadays and I can just plug in a controller and connect my PC to my TV and I have a perfect replication of a console, with sometimes even better graphics. I do consider getting a WiiU though, because I don't think any Mario or Zelda games will come to PC anytime soon.
No, I have not. Honestly, I haven't gotten a new console since the original Wii came out. I still have a PS2 and Gamecube on top of the Wii. I don't really have any need for a new one just because a lot of the video games that I play now are on the computer.. Steam seems to have a better variety when it comes to games so I'm just going to stick with that for now.
So many Xbox One and PS4 games are multi platform and the exclusives aren't that interesting. I don't really see much reason to buy one if you have a PC. Consoles aren't exciting as they used to be. I do have a Wii U though, but I don't have any need for a Xbox One or PS4.
Yeah, I've bought a PS4 since launch and have been sticking with it since. For console and gaming purpose alone, the PS4 is definitely better than the Xbox One in terms of performance. In my opinion, the Dualshock 4 is definitely the better controller too. I won't compare it to PC though because they are on different levels. I think the 10 million PS4s sold figure isn't just for show, surely it means Sony has done something magnificent.
The consoles aren't that expensive at all. They offer comparable specs to a gaming PC at the same price point. While those specs are relatively mediocre, it's wrong to say the consoles are expensive or overpriced. Sony and Microsoft are both selling their consoles at a slight loss right now, and neither company can afford to discount their consoles that much this early on. I own both consoles, and I own a higher end gaming PC, too.
Not yet, but let me tell you, I'm still a bit mad at Microsoft for what they were going to do last year at E3 with the Xbox One. I'm almost biased to the PS4 at this point. Plus, when you compare it, the PS4 has slightly better graphics than the Xbox One. I think I'll buy the PS4 first.
Yeah, the PS4 is 50% more powerful if based on specs alone. I believe at the same price point, people would prefer to get the better hardware. It's a logical thing to do. Also, down the line it seems the PS4 has better exclusives like Bloodborne, The Order, and Uncharted 4. Consoles aren't a bad deal considering it's hard to get a PC with the same hardware for $399.
I agree. Still, I am, at some point, going to get an Xbox One. Get both for both sets of exclusives that I want. It's just that Sony will be getting my money before Microsoft. Plus, the PS4 overall looks better. As for the console/PC thing, I'm a console gamer. I don't have the time or money to become a PC gamer.