My husband and I travel a lot to places where it may be difficult to consult a doctor due to language barrier. So I always keep an emergency homeopathic remedy kit with me. I find it to be a healthy preventative measure to a lot of things. But I still feel allopathic medicine is needed when someone has a serious virus or condition. Visiting the doctor and buying homeopathic remedies can be costly. What do you think? Do homeopathic remedies save money?
Costly? They last forever. Because they are based upon energy, they literately do if they are kept dry and not broken. Essential oils are serious medicine also last and last because they are so concentrated. They are also good to travel with. We have found that even if they cost more (and they really don't very often), holistic products are so much cheaper because either you use, so little or they last so long, OR they save you money with the doctor that saves so much money there, they pay for themselves several if not dozens of times over. Best wishes.