I came across a set of garden tools in the mall today. They were pretty cheap compared to the separate ones that I always buy. I am just worried that they are not that durable. My mom bought something like this before, and the handles got detached after some time.
Some of these offers are too good for a reason. Either you don't need some [or most] of the tools included in the set or the quality as you say isn't that great. I prefer buying only the tools I need even though they might be a little pricey. There's be absolutely no need to buy a set of tools some of which I won't use. p.s Marketers can be pretty smart . . .
I don't buy sets of garden tools because I only use a couple of items, so I don't need the entire set. One set I saw had a hoe. I don't use that. I'm a container gardener so I just bought the little hand shovel separately.
I have never bought garden equipment in sets. I tend to buy each one individually. I find that many times, the sets do not have a very high quality as the individuals. I would rather pay a little extra for individual pieces that have better quality than pay for a set that will break in a week. I think that your worry is warranted. If they do not look durable, chances are, they probably aren't.