I think more people would prefer to buy organic products but its the cost that stops them. People are increasingly starting to struggle with money and sometimes every penny makes a difference. Sometimes organic produce can be twice the price of a normal product and that alone puts me off switching. In the future as the cost may come down more people will buy organic and locally sourced produce, until them though I think the ready meal will stay king.
I buy organic and I have learned to purchase the products I like at cheaper prices. First of all you may want to steer clear of places like Whole Foods, unless they carry something you absolutely must have. I have learned that many grocery stores have their own organic brands that are cheaper. The vegetables and fruits section at regular grocery stores also have an organic section that fairs better than specialty shops for organic food price wise. Then I head over to Trader Joe's for organic products. Their prices are pretty good. I find that Sprouts is also fairly well priced.
I want to... I really do. However, sometimes it just isn't an option. Half the time no one carries what I'm looking for in organic. If I want to buy it I have to go with something else. Also, a lot of times I just can't afford it. I am on a tight budget so sometimes it's whatever is cheapest.
I can only buy organic if the price was cheaper than the ones that I am buying. Living on a fix income, I don't have that luxury to switch completely, but I do keep my eyes for organic fruits and vegetables.
Organic is higher cost. I only purchase organic cauliflower and sometimes strawberries. They are healthier looking. The other products always are moldy.
I love organic products - but my budget doesn't allow me to buy them as often as I would like to. I primarily buy organic lean meats, veggies, and fruits - yet, like I said, I can't have something organic for each meal of each day. Now, my portions are small, but a single filet of organic goats' meat (which is extremely expensive) will only last me about three days - depending on how I use it. I wish someone would just lower these prices. They complain about how obese our population is, but refuse to sell healthy, organic foods.
I don't have the money to buy everything organically. Otherwise I would, as organic food is supposed to be a lot healthier for you. Not that I have looked into that to see whether or not it actually makes a difference. For right now though, all I buy that is organic is bananas. They taste gorgeous.
I mostly buy organic when it comes to fruits and vegetables because I like to keep the amount of pesticides and such, I ingest, to a minimum. I'm not super strict about it though, I wouldn't go as far as buying organic wine(although I probably should) but when I can buy organically and the prices aren't too outrageous, I will.
Studies say it's not more healthy for you.. but I haven't dug into them yet, and either way, if you're not buying local, no, they aren't really any different because most nutrients are gone before they reach you, sort of defeating the purpose. Make local number one and if organic is that important to you, make it next on the list, but don't believe labels if it means that much to you.. actually look into the company. "Organic" is bought and paid for just like everything else.. many of the truly organic growers don't even bother with the process (money grab)
I buy organic when I find them for good prices. My problem with organic food is they are too expensive where I live and with what I make I can't usually afford the extra cost.
I'm the exact same way! It's a shame that the better something is for you the more expensive it is. This is why I'm such a huge fan of farmer's markets. They have the best food and its always better prices than a grocery store.
Yes and no! If the price is right and I have a choice between organic and non-organic, I'll go with the organic. However, if the price is substantially more and the non-organic doesn't seem too chemical laden then I'll go with the non-organic. There are some things like strawberries, peaches and some other porous fruits that are supposed to be the worst as far as pesticide residue, so for those I would strongly consider going organic if the price is right or just go without.
Lol!! Well thank you for your input and for this information. I cannot really say that I am too surprised to learn any of this?? Lol. I mean, I have lost all faith in the food industry. I don't trust the packaging. I mean, when illegal highs are LEGAL, and nobody knows what is in them, and they are killing people - yet they are still on the market, as apposed to harmless Marijuana, one's faith does dwindle and one's mind does pique to the fact that it is ALL about money, and that packaging often means very little.
It's sad and scary that we can't just know, black and white, cut and dry, what exactly we're feeding our bodies. It disgusts me that people are dying while they play this game with us and make deciding how to eat such a chore. "Organic" is a long, expensive process.. guess who has the money to burn? It's not your local, organic grower, that's for sure. And most of them spray regardless.. we need to grow our own to avoid that in most cases.
You know, I did have a well thought out response to type out to you, JosieP. But then my eyes dropped, and fell upon your new signature, and I just burst out laughing lol. The Food Spaz?? I love it and I think that it is absolutely hilarious hahaha!! Though I will say that a spaz is far from what you are
Lmao.. I just assume that's what people think of me on these boards lol. Because I'm sooooooo coocoo for caring about health lol. And all I'm reading is "yadda yadda blah I can't wait to have a heart attack, yibbity yibbity blabbity Lalala I can't heeeeeear you! I won't listen till I'm done with my first surgery, blah blah make that my third. Derrrrr, I can't pooooooop!" lol.. aaaw, it's special times here at Don't Pay full. Special times
I think you may just be thinking that because you feel like other people are not on your wavelength? But other than that, I seriously do not think that people view you that way. You are projecting, Mrs. P Lmao!!! You actually give some handy advice and information out on these boards. Though apparently you are coocoo for not wanting to have a mortgage and be tied down to a stagnant life, which whatever. Those people are coocoo.
Yeah, I project a little lol.. but that usually comes after actual comments insinuating I'm extreme. Someone even said they didn't want to cut crap out of their diet because they didn't want to have unhealthy ideas about food....................................... .................................................................................... ............................................................................................ ahem. It's frustrating to read everyone actually believing they're food is ok.. especially in "moderation" and then come back and ask about their health issues and their weight. !!!!!!! what?? haha. Ok then. Everyone needs to damn the man right now! lol.. The Damn The Man Diet is my promise to all that they will look and feel better than they ever have and live longer, happier, healthier lives. Stop reading labels suckas.. just Damn The Man (my commercial.. a work in progress).
I don't, I'm a student and organic products are usually more expensive which on a big shop can mean a lot of money adding up. It's a shame because I'd like to but it's not really worth my money at the moment
Lately I haven't bought organic products due to economic reasons. I know that they are way healthier and tastier too, but at the same time the price often is double than the regular ones, so it's something I can't afford.