If you have a pet of some kind, do you buy pets for him or her or do you make the toys yourself? I have cats and I used to buy toy mice, foam balls and other stuff for them. Unfortunately, I learned that the toys don't last very long, after few plays they were already torn and broken which is also dangerous. After all my cats enjoy playing with simple paper balls or bird feathers more and it doesn't even cost anything to me.
Over the years, I have both made and bought toys for our pets. Depending on the pet, most of the homemade toys were their favorites. A ping pong ball is a great toy for a cat and it usually lasts for a fair amount of time before they finally get it cornered. The only problem happens when it rolls uinderneath something that the cat can't get to. For dogs, denim tug-a-pulls made from old jeans are almost always a favorite. You cut the bottom part of both legs about 2 inches and then loop tie them together. This creates two loops, one for the dog and the other for you. Then a game of tug-a-war begins! When the dog wins, the knot in the middle usually gets chewed on by the dog but holds together really well.
Good I'm somewhat cautious about the pet toys they sell, especially the cheap ones. For example the toy mices are made of some kind of cardboard base which is covered in fur and the eyes are plastic buttons. The parts come loose pretty easily and they could pose a choking hazard to a pet. Well, at least the packaging says that you should always watch when your pet is playing with the toy. Basically the toys aren't safe, but in my opinion pet toys should be safe just like kids toys..
Some toys are clearly better then others. I have a dog, so I needed a good robe to play with him and a ball to make him run around. The right toys can help you exercise your animal in different ways, which is why I believe them to be important, but I don't think you need to buy something overly expensive or buy every new trend. As long as your animal can occupy itself, play and enjoy its toys it's fine^^
Yes I do! I actually spent quite a lot with my dog when it comes to toys, because every time I go to the pet store I feel bad for him for being home so long every day and I will get him a new ball or a chew toy. It's the same thing with bones and treats, I spent so much money with all of those! I guess it's kind of like parents that don't spend too much time with their children so they will buy them gifts to make them happy! I think I'm like that with my dog. As I work all day when I get home I want to give him something that makes him happy.
Sometimes when I have extra money, I buy toy for my dog. But my dog seems to have a lot of toys now, so I stopped buying. I am now bent on buying treats or bones for my dog instead of toys. I also buy canned dog foods just to have a variation from his usual dog food.
I bought a couple toys for my cat but she hasn't shown much interest on them. Treats and the sort seems to work better when it's about buying things for her, so I stay away from toys. It's not worth it. Maybe when I get a dog I'll dare to buy toys again, but until then, I won't bother.
At home, we don't really make it a habit to buy toys for our pets since there's so much junk they could just play with anything that strikes their fancy. There's this one dog, however, and he doesn't seem to know how to behave even if he's already locked him up in a cage. My mom decided to buy him a rubber meat toy so that he can chew it and refrain from moving around too much. Well it toned down his behavior for some weeks, but after some time he just went back to the way he was, unruly and excessively energetic.
I do buy toys for my pets but not often. I once bought a toy bone for a puppy before and I a toy rat for my cat. It's nice to purchase things for pets once in a while. However, most other toys for my pets are things that I have used already like tennis balls or used paper attached to a thread. It saves money to improvise.
I used to by my cats toys, every so often when they were younger. But now that they're both older, all they really want to do is sleep, so they don't really play anymore. I do have laser pointer that I used to use, but the cats don't even care any more, haha. They care more if I buy them a comfy bed or a nice fleece blanket for them to sleep on or in.
Yes, of course I'm really gonna buy toys for my pets, because for me they are my children. I don't think at all that they don't appreciate what's I'm giving them. For me, all my efforts towards their convenience and sake count. That's the reason why I really take care of them with all my heart and sweat and hard-earned money.
I have never bought a toy for my cat, although the dogs were brought toys that are seldom used. Mostly they are used only at the start. After that, it gets forgotten already. As for my cat, he seems to just improvise. He saw a clothesline clip once on the floor, and he started playing with it.
Yes. For the fishes that we have, we have purchased numerous decorations for their tank and such, though I am not sure whether or not they would be deemed as actual toys. When we had a hamster, we bought that cutie every hamster toy under the sun. Not only do toys provide them with entertainment, but it is so cute and entertaining to see your pets playing
I would be to worried about making something for our dog incase it was not strong enough or I used something that was dangerous to him. When he was a puppy a friend suggested giving him used cola bottles, she said that they always gave them to their dogs to carry around. Our Dog did carry it around, then chewed through the cap and got small red parts stuck in his throat. We ended up with a lovely Vet bill! We do sometimes making him some healthy treats we know are safe for him but toys I will trust to stores now, it's cheaper to buy than pay another vet bill.
I have bought toys from the Dollar Stores, to Pet Stores, and from Department stores as well. Cheap and expensive toys all ended up torn, fall apart not too long after a couple of days. I found myself always on the look out for dog toys that has some quality to them and affordable. It is frustrating to buy many toys and none of them lasted. I told my dog he needs to find a job as a toy tester! He didn't bark back
Yes I buy toys for my dogs. These toys includes a balls, chew toys and bone toys. I am quite sad because it looks like my two dogs do not like the toys. They do not play with them. I think it is just a waste of money. Is there anything that I can do to make them play with the toys?
I buy toy mice for my cats, the types with bells and tails. They absolutely love playing with and carrying them around, it's adorable to watch. I have two male cats who play fetch like dogs do with these mice. I usually stick with B&M store toys as it is very important to see the size and quality of materials in person and the prices are quite reasonable.