These days I exercise in the morning, after I finish my morning routine and eat. Before this I used to do everything at night but I found that I'm more tired and I sleep less better. Not to mention that the thought of having to exercise later in the day kept me feeling unaccomplished during work hours. When I was still paying for a gym membership I didn't have this issue, I guess that having all those people around me modified my behavior and reactions.
My exercise is split up into two segments - morning and late afternoon. I walk for about 30 minutes during both periods. As a result, over the past few months, I dropped a dress size. This process seems to be the only way my sluggish metabolism could get revved up again. Now, I am working on the food part. Changing my diet would help me tremendously with dropping excess weight.
That's true I suppose but I hear that water proofing is expensive. I am very inexperienced also so I would need to be sure it was really water proof and not just water resistant.
I thought night workouts would cause insomnia, Isn't that right? That is why I get up at the ungodly hour of 6:00am to go to the track! I would much rather workout at night !
It doesn't really bother me if I am exercising at day or night and honestly I don't have a fix schedule for exercising but I exercise everyday. Whenever I am free that's the time I exercise in a day, depending of me being able to accomplish my priorities. Sometimes, I prefer to exercise in the morning so I would have to wake up early, but if there are things that I would have to finish first, I do it in the evening finishing everything I have to do before I go head for my workout.
As much as I would love to wake up early and go to the gym, I can't find it in me to wake up over one hour earlier just to work out. So I go to the gym around 5 PM, which is kind of early and not night yet. So not exactly night yet, but early evening.
I prefer exercising at night because I'm just too sleepy and lazy during day time. I also even get a lot better and more efficient at my work and tasks as the day progresses, so find it just natural to be more motivated to keep fit during night time. Additionally, I usually go out for walks as exercise and doing it at night is much more comfortable since it's a lot busier outside and I don't have to deal with as many cars or fellow joggers.
I generally exercise at the evening, when I finished school, because that's the only time I'm not too tired to go for a run or something like that. In the summer it also cooled down a bit already, so I don't have to run in the sun.
Right on Jayden, there are many doctors and trainers who would completely agree with you. Working out in the morning is always the suggestion I have heard; it gets your metabolism going and feeds endorphins to your brain. Anecdotally, I can't get to sleep if I workout after 7:30 pm. But, if I workout in the morning I feel great all day long.
I like working out in the morning, usually around 7am. I feel like a good morning workout sets me up for the busy day ahead. I feel more focused at work and just feel generally better overall. It also seems to help me sleep better at night. I even dumped my caffeine habit when I started working out in the morning.
I normally hit the gym four days a week. These could be random but I make sure that they are four. If it is work days, I visit the gym in the evening after work. This way I can workout not minding the time and thinking that I will be exhausted at work. But if it is weekends then I workout in the morning it is more convenient.