Do you have a gym membership or work out at home? I personally never liked the gym. I don't like the feeling of people watching what I'm doing. Maybe it's all in my head because honestly everyone in the gym is supposed to be focusing on their own self. But anyway, I have found doing workout videos/DVDs successful and more enjoyable for me and the variety of videos breaks up the monotony. I recently had lost 31 pounds in the spring, but got lazy with the summer heatwave. I've gained some weight back but now that the temperature is tapering off, I'm motivated to get back on my grind. Where do you fit your workout routine during the day?
I don't like gyms either. I like being outside when I exercise and I find that when I've joined a gym, I just don't go that often. I jog every other night and go on about a 2 mile walk with my family every night. Then we have a pretty active lifestyle on top of that. My regular routine is done at night right when the sun is setting so it's not too hot out.
It works out for me because where I work encourages fitness and we have a free membership to the gym. I don't go that often, used to be never. But I got together with friends at work and through buddy system we motivate each other to go. (Meaning when we commit to going with others we feel too awful to back out so we go ahead and go as planned.) I think it is improving my health an stamina, but I should also work on better eating habits. But cake is just sooooo tasty. I didn't find working out at the gym to be as bad as I thought. I was surprisingly zoned out and especially with music I could really get into my routine. Perhaps that would be worth a try to get some good playlists going so you can't even begin to start thinking of people watching you, you only see images of magic carpets and starry night skies as you jog to "A Whole New World." (I'm a Disney fan, so sue me.)
I've been a member of fitness clubs for as long as I remember, and am unable to motivate myself enough to exercise on my own. Being around people who have similar fitness goals does it for me! I do, however, skip going to the gym on sunnier days, when jogging out in the open is preferred.
I don't like gyms but I have one at work I can use for free so it isn't too bad. It is kind of small and crowded so I have to go at the right time. Otherwise, I usually prefer working out at home so I can watch some tv and such while I work out.
If you are still skinny and you are just beginning to work out, its pretty daunting to go and train at the gym with seasoned gym goers. That's why I prefer to work out at home at the meantime but once I get in shape, I'll move to the gym.
For some years ago I train at home. Luckily, I have enough space to perform all activities. In that sense, the Internet provides me all the material that I need to follow exercise routines and is a tool that gives me great freedom to choose different disciplines. I can do more dynamic activities, or focus on strength training. When I need to do some cardiovascular activity, I prefer to go jogging around the town. Anyway, I don't dismiss the possibility of going to a gym. For now, I am satisfied with this system. Maybe the results aren't the same, but they don't differ much. Privacy is a favorable point when I exercise alone in my house.
I can't afford gym membership, and our nearest gym is several miles away, so I exercise at home. In summer, I swim every day in the community pool, which is free. I also go for a walk most days, and do some skipping in the garden. When I'm feeling energetic, I'll put on a belly dancing video and work out to that, but my health has been a bit hit and miss this year, so I can't really get into a regular routine at the moment.
It actually motivates me more when people see what I can do. It gives me the energy boost to lift things I normally wouldn't bother. I still work out at home, because I really can't find a decent gym here. My cousin helps with whatever needs to be done.
I can't afford a gym membership either. And even if I could, I don't think I would use it enough to make it worthwhile. I have a hard time making the time to go out to the gym to workout, so then I just don't go. I would rather fit in smaller workouts at home without all the travel time.
At the moment, I simply can't afford it. Even if I could, I would still prefer to work out at home. I am a lot more comfortable at home and working out by myself. I also do a lot of hiking and bicycling when the weather is nice.
I used to love going to the gym years ago. But the membership fees are way too high, and I can get just as good a workout at home with my wide variety of workouts (although, I prefer Callanetics lately). There is no time wasted going to and from the gym, no waiting for equiptment, no people wanting to chat and waste precious workout time and I can workout whatever time of day I want and not have to be worried that I'm late for a class.
I have a gym membership and that includes a workout program and a personal trainer. It is really a smart choice to have one because it guides and lead you to proper way to do exercise and some diet advice too. Aside from this, I also have some weights at home just in case that I don;t have a tie to go to the gym, I still could do so lifting at home.
I really cannot afford a gym membership now. I have simple equipment at home which I use. The problem is that, now I do not have a specific time for my exercise and keep putting it off. My online work also keeps me glued to my chair. I really need to get myself motivated to exercise. A buddy would help, but my spouse is very busy. None of my friends seem to even want to move their butts. I need to work on my motivation seriously.
I have the same problems with time. I am too busy at school right now and I can;t find time to go to the gym. I have some equipment at home too but I seldom use it because I spend much om time for online work and studying. Also when I try to workout, it leaves me feeling sleepy so I can't do things that I have to do. I think that working out is really a commitment.
right now I work out at home, but I will be joining a gym as soon as I can. I work from home, so I can workout whenever I need to - preferably at night since it's still hot during the day where I live. Paying for a membership is enough motivation for me to go to a gym. I want to put it on a regular schedule.
I work out at home because it is more convenient. I am very disciplined about working out at home as it can be very easy to be distracted and demotivated. For a little variety I would go to the gym for a couple of hours to work out or take an aerobic class just for that day. i think if you can you should change between both and see how you feel.
I work out at home. Frankly, I can't afford one even if I wanted one. But beyond that, most of them aren't nearby for me and I have to travel to and from. The time it takes doesn't seem worth it to me usually and I would rather work out at home.
I will say I have both a gym membership and I workout at my place of residence. I like going to the gym because there are many more resources to use, like more workout equipment, and the use of a personal trainer, and they have a juice bar filled with health drinks and health food. I like to workout at home because of the privacy I receive and the results that I can a achieve. There are some positives and negatives to both, thats why I do both. It just all depends on what mood I am in
Wow, am I jealous! I have a gym membership, as well - but it doesn't include a workout program or a personal trainer. Getting a personal trainer is expensive - you pay them by the hour. Like I said, I have a gym membership and I am very happy with it. The nice thing about having a gym membership is that you get so many perks: state-of-the-art fitness center, gym classes (which are included in my membership) like yoga, spinning, pilates, Zumba, a swimming pool, a sauna, a hot tub, a steam room... My gym also offers a basketball court, tennis, racquetball - but I don't participate in that stuff. The thing with a gym membership is that if you are financially alert, it really can whip you into shape. If you do not work out at the gym, you waste your money! And that is really the driving force for me. I initially signed up for the gym on January 2nd - how cliche of me, huh? But, when I found that I didn't want to go to the gym to work out, all I had to was remember how much money I was putting into this - and if anything, it's worth it to me to just have access to a sauna and steam room.