I did not have a workout buddy when I started. I was going to the gym alone for about 3 months until people started talking to me there and wanted to workout with me. I do feel more motivated working out there. I met my current girlfriend there because of it.
I had a workout partner and I thought it was great I had someone to go with and motivate me however I found once we started going she liked doing the weights and I just wanted to do cardio so needless to say, we don't go together anymore. I would rather go myself and do what I want at my own pace, occasionally I will go with my husband since we enjoy using the same machines but its been hard with two kids.
My usual workout buddy is my husband who accompanies me to the park for the crowd exercise. There is music, there is the dance master in front, there are the people scattered everywhere. I would take my place anywhere and join the dancing. But my buddy? He is there, quite afar using his phone to check on his emails.
I'm currently in the process of developing my own routine, and haven't really considered an extra "help-lending" hand in the equation, but now that you're just mentioning it, I might do it sooner than expected, haha. Though I really don't see how he could help. I'm usually lurking around meadows alone.
My husband and I were each other's work out and "diet" buddies when we first started out, but it's a lifestyle now.. like breathing, so we don't need it. We have SO much to discuss and learn though, so it's just shifted a bit. Plus we're connected to the fitness industry (unfortunately.. it drives me bonkers), so we're constantly in the mix, talking to others and helping where needed. So yes.. fitness and nutrition/health buddies, but not exactly in the way you meant.