My daughter and I were commenting that I have really bad checkout luck at supermarkets and big box stores. The line could be moving fast, but the moment I get to the front of the line, either the cashier has to walk away for a price check or the person in front of me has a really difficult coupon that causes the whole line to stop moving. It never fails, when it's my turn, the cashier has to walk away to go do something and everyone has to wait for her to come back. I have really bad checkout luck. What about you? I also have bad online ordering luck. I only buy things on sale, but the item I want always seems to go out of stock right after I order it. So my order stays in "processing" status for 3 weeks or they email me to tell me that they can't fill my order. Don't you hate it when that happens?
I don't really have bad checkout luck in person, but in Paypal I wasn't able to purchase 2 items on different occasions because my payment was being blocked. I emailed customer support and they told me the system does that if you purchase items that are in great disparity in prices. So I really had to just wait until the system accepts my payment, and that happened after 24 hours or more.
I don't usually have bad checkout-luck (except for that one time at BUY FOR LE$$ when I had to get going back home before it got into 'hellfire'-temperatures, but they COULDN'T check me out because 'their computer-network was down' ), but sometimes I have bad 'coupon' luck. The case usually is that the cashier is 'too inexperienced' to work the discount into the register (too inexperienced? you mean there's a 'just-right' inexperienced? : ). One time was at Grandy's--when the discount shown on the coupon wasn't the same as the discount on the receipt. That's one of the times I shoulda complained on their website, but I had forgotten by the time I got home ... but 'the fact that it has happened before' might add some "bite" to my complaint if it happens again
I can't say that I have that misfortune. I just go to the check-out with the smallest queue. Sometimes when I am in a hurry, I go to the check-out that only deals with 12 items or less, knowing that I have more. But I have never been refused, neither have people behind me in the queue complained. I just keep it reasonable, knowing that the operators there tend to work faster.
I use the self checkouts whenever possible, they tend to be a lot faster. In some stores, they just have one big queue that feeds off into all the checkouts, I think there are studies which show that this method is actually way more efficient, dealing with everyone in the best manner. The problem is it isn't implemented much, so we're all stuck trying to guess which checkout will move the fastest (and often getting it wrong).
Wow, what a nuisance. Fortunate for me, I do not typically have bad checkout luck. But whenever I enter the grocery store on a busy day, I get stuck in queue having to wait so long for the line to clear, whether it is in the express line or another line. I do not know what holds up the line during those times, but I think it has to do with the cashier moving slow and I hate that.
I have a bag check experience when I use the self checkouts at the Walmart center . I always get stuck with any item not being scanned or item not found. I hate when the machine says unauthorized item in bag area.
I have very bad luck! Everytime I go to the supermarket I'm resigned knowing I'll take a while. Last time I went to the supermarket I got the line that was visibly smaller, but of course the girl in front of me didn't have enough funds on her debit card, so the cashier started removing a few items at a time to see if she could pay for less stuff. They tried paying 3 times before the cashier noticed a huge line was forming and asked the girl to give up.
The funny thing is the insufficient funds debit card thing happened to me once because I brought the wrong debit card. The right debit card that had money on it, was left at home next to my computer where I used it for online shopping and forgot it. Anyway, I was 5 dollars short at the checkout and about to put my daughter's cereal back when a nice couple behind us paid the $5 for us. So now when I see someone who comes up a little short at checkout, I try to help if I can.
I don't really have bad checkout luck, but I do have bad luck when it comes to purchasing pants. Every time I go to the mall and purchase a pair of pants, they end up either being too large or too long, which is really bizarre since when I try them in the fitting room they fit perfectly on me. Also, almost always, whenever I do some grocery shopping there's bound to be one item that won't go beep on the register.
Haha what a great topic. My mom and I most definitely have bad checkout luck. The line may seem like it is the shortest but then it gets slow. We have tried to switch lines but every time we do, the line we were in moves quickly and the one we switched to decides to slow up. It never fails. My mom would never use the self checkout though. She has to deal with those enough at her work.
I had the worst checkout luck once at Walmart. There were these women price matching every single item. It took about 25 minutes for the cashier to match everything to the competitor's prices. Meanwhile kids in the line were crying and I was afraid to leave because I was next in line and didn't want to end up at the back of a new line. Anyway, the girl holding up the line sent her friend on a cheeseburger run and then stood at the register eating a cheeseburger and absentmindedly shaking her butt to a song playing in the store. Now that's classy, staring into space and twerking while eating a cheeseburger and holding up a line of 20 people to save a few pennies.
Oh my goodness, @ACSAPA, you must be my shopping "twin." Haha. This is me to a T. It's been a running joke in our family for years. No matter what, whichever line I get in is going to take the longest. I can't believe this... After reading your last post, I think we really must be related. The gal holding up my line wasn't twerking while eating a cheeseburger (thanks for that image by the way, lol), but she was price matching her entire order. I ended up grabbing all my stuff off the belt and moving to another line. She was still holding up her line when I left the store.