Do you have friends/family who brag about how much money spend??

Discussion in Misc & Others started by Winnie • Dec 19, 2014.

  1. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Yeah, I like her as a person, but being fake is so tedious, in my opinion it is anyway. If I didn't like her though, I probably wouldn't be able to fake it that much.
    I feel that being fake is kind of a betrayal, because it's telling a lie to that person, it's saying I like you, but in reality I really don't.
    I guess it's ok to be cordial to a person you don't like, "hi" and "bye", that type of thing, but anything much more than that is a drag.
  2. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    I was kind of raised the same way when it comes to talking about money. It wasn't something that my parents said to me specifically, like, "We don't talk about money in this house," it was more the over-all vibe of things in my house growing up. People had enough, and sometimes plenty, and looking back on it, I guess it was just a fact that there was nothing for anyone to prove, as far as my immediate family goes.

    Some people can talk about money, and it sounds fine and "regular" when they do. Others talk about money like they invented it or something, and like they have to talk about their invention on a daily basis. So tedious sometimes.
  3. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Lol. I have never heard of a bragging miser. In fact I have heard of the bragging part, but I have never heard of the miser part lol. Veronica simply likes to accumulate money, and look at her bank statements. Sounds silly and unrealistic, but I think that behind her need to do this lies her need to feel secure - like she has something to fall back on if need be? She spends her money on the necessities of life, but the bulk of it stays on her bank. It is really annoying, and even worse when she is smiting you for spending your own money as YOU please lmaoo! I'm glad I don't see her very often lol. She usually doesn't buy anything unless she has seen someone else with it, and come into contact with a product that way. Especially food. she will have to taste it from someone else first before purchasing it. But she will never just randomly buy food items because they appeal to her eyes.
  4. Lushlala

    LushlalaWell-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    Oh yes, we all know someone like that! I have a friend too, who just won't shut up about it! For me, it's too tacky and I just cringe when she starts prattling on and on about her bloated bank balance. Like DreekLass's aunt, we all know she has a lot of money; but my, is she tight!!! We always have to watch our budget, because we don't have much of it. But she won't go out and enjoy herself, she hardly ever has food in the fridge, never goes on holiday etc. It's just weird, made even worse by the fact that she's only very young.
  5. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    @ Winnie, I'm polite and cordial too towards people I dislike, but when they initiate hanging out and bonding with you but you just don't see them as a lifelong friend, then I guess it's ok to be fake, after all, you aren't being mean, you just put a facade because they're nice to you. I do make excuses not to go at times. But come to think of it, those people are nice, they are just tactless and we have different interests. The ones that I really dislike the "aura" are the ones I won't bother with beyond being polite.

    @ Dreek, now that is STINGY. Food isn't even that expensive, and she has no business to tell people how they should not spend their money. I bet she buys the cheapest brand or variant of everything. Hehe, she probably relishes on those "free taste" offers on the supermarket, lol! She probably grew up very poor and deprived to act like that.
  6. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Sometimes those types of people are very successful with money simply because they won't spend it. Maybe that is how they got a lot of money in the first place, by saving, not spending.
    I had an aunt like that, she had money but would not spend it. She just wanted it to "be there" in case she needed it, but just to spend it and "enjoy" herself, no, she did very little of that.
  7. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Well, she's not blurting out talking about how much money she spends like it's a bad thing to her, she talks about spending money like it is the best thing to do in the world. She's not a perfectionist, according to her, her surroundings often look messy because she does not keep things neat and clean for the most part. She spends a lot of time working away from home, and does not have a sophisticated looking place.

    She works for a lady who lives in a very nice neighborhood, and one day she called me to tell me that there was a house for sale in that neighborhood for over a million dollars. That type of thing doesn't excite me. I wanted to say, "So what" but instead I said, "Oh, that's a lot of money."

    Your office mate seems like she is always trying to be better than other people, by saying she's going to do this, or do that. I would have a hard time working with her, but if I had to work with her, I wouldn't really say too much around her. I'd try to keep my distance :)
  8. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Yeah, my friend is kind of like that. She'll go to places where they are giving away backpacks, instead of buying them for her kids. Or she'll talk about how she is going to take a hand-me-down and wrap it up and give it to someone like it is a new present.

    But on the other hand, she talks about how she bought this, and bought that, and how much she makes a year.
    It gets so boring to me, but she is a good friend and will lend me money if I need it. I appreciate her for being there for me, and I know that she must really care about me to give me something that she likes so much (money), but I don't feel like talking about money every few minutes.
  9. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    In my friend's case, I don't think that she is overcompensating, I just think that she is bragging, and it irritates me because I really don't care about how much money a person has. Perhaps I should be impressed by it, but I'm not. Money is necessary, but I don't need or want to talk about it all the time.
  10. thenextGeek

    thenextGeekActive Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Well yeah. I don't think that there are any of us here who has friends and family members who don't brag about how much money the spent on their brand new car, how much their dinner at a five star restaurant cost, etc. If someone here has friends and family members who doesn't brag about their money then you're one lucky guy because you have the luxury of not hearing those ignorant people talk about their wealth. In any case, I don't really care about them since I'm already used to the fact that we're not burn under the same circumstances and that if I want to become rich like them, then I have to work my ass off in order to reach my goals and my dreams.

    I was also proud of the fact that I'm not really into material things and I'd rather make them than buy them. Saving money is my passion and if I were to choose between a brand new car and a second hand one, I'd pick the latter in a jiffy. Being raised by two loving parents who taught me the true value of cash and the work put behind every penny that we spend has really opened my eyes and my heart to what matters most in life. And that's to be happy with what you have, appreciate life to the fullest, and always try to reach your dreams. :)
  11. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Saving money is your passion? Well, I'd say that is a great passion to have. Some people find it difficult to save money, but if one has a passion for it, then that's great.

    Also, you've given me a very different perspective on things with your comment here, when you're like, "Well yeah." This small statement made me realize that I'm not the only one that goes through listening to people brag.
    I guess I was almost feeling like the only one on the planet that was listening to this kind of talk, lol. Okay, wow. I feel a bit more enlightened now, I mean even though I know that what one person goes through is common to what many others go through, I somehow felt alone in this.
  12. ACSAPA

    ACSAPAWell-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    My ex's new wife bragged that she spent $300 on a bottle of champagne this New Year's Eve. I think that's pretty stupid. $300 can pay half a month's rent or buy an Xbox 360 so why would you spend that on a beverage that you're going to pee out in a couple of hours?