Artificial flowers are so beautiful! I'm looking for a very small bouquet that's a very good price too. Just 3 red roses with 3 white roses. I went to my local shop for artificial flowers and got my ribbon and a beautiful little sprig of stephanosis or medagascar jasmine as it is also known as for my bouquet. I'd like a small bouquet. Do you know of any sites for artificial flowers that's economical too?
I came across this oneLog In. I have never used it though, but it might be worth checking into. You might also want to take a look in some craft supply stores like Hobby Lobby or Michael's or something, if you have any of those nearby. Lots of craft stores have a good selection of artificial flowers. You might visit another florist shop as well, although I think they mainly use artificial plants and flowers for memorial arrangements. You might find better quality online, especially if you find a shop that specializes in such things. I think another floral site that offers artificial flowers is called Afloral. Good luck.
This immediately makes me think of the episode of Shark Tank where the lady sells her flowers from newspaper. It was an eco friendly and cheap alternative, and I really liked the idea. Cannot remember the name though, so sorry about that.
I am not sure if you are in the UK or the US but this is a really good online store that sells artificial flowers. Log In There are other stores too, like The House of Fraiser, or a Hobby Craft store.
I just read that the site posted above may not be good. You can read more about it here:Log In Like I said, I hadn't used it before. I just remembered seeing some pretty artificial flowers and floral arrangements there. I thought you should be warned though, after I came across that post. I think I'd stick to shops where you can buy them in person, like craft stores and such, so you know what you're getting. Did you ever find the flowers you were looking for, @Krissttina Isobe?