I really like gardening and am trying to learn more about it. I think it's a great hobby, and you can save a lot of money by growing fruits and veggies instead of buying them. Plus, they are sure to taste better if you grew them yourself!
That is how I started off.. but gardening really gets a hold on you. I agree with you totally about growing your own fruits and veggies. They do taste real good if you keep the chemicals off and grow them organically. Organic growing shouldn't cost you too much. You can compost your kitchen waste and pick up stuff like mowed grass, coffee grounds etc to add to mulch. It is the joy of my life. I kind of wake up in my garden each day. lol
When I lived in the countryside before, gardening was my favorite activity. Now I live in the middle of the capital city, on the 14th floor and my feet hardly touch the good earth the whole day long. So I miss my garden. I have tried with potted plants but it's just not the same as working on the ground and feeling the earth between your fingers and your toes.
I can relate to that I had a huge garden before I came to this city. Here all I can do is have a container garden. After years of yearning to have a garden I have a huge container garden now and I am happy as I can be. Just seeing a plant grow and bloom or produce vegetables and fruits is like magic. The one thin I have gained in abundance while gardening is patience. This I think is a great asset for life.