I don't have a credit card so I have to pay with cash. I know some credit card companies have some sort of rewards program for using your credit card. I would rather just pay once and be done and over with. You have to pay for the item, only to have a credit card to pay off. That is just too much for me. But whatever floats your boat and gets the bills paid.
when the opportunity arises to safely use cash I prefer that option over using a credit card. Using cash relieves me from the possibility of having to pay fees and interest, and issues such as credit card fraud and the stealing of my information, which could arise from credit card usage.
I love to use plastic and got very accustomed to it. I have a paypal debit card and it works fine. The rest of my shopping I use credit cards only. I feel safer bringing my credit card and checks than carry cash on me. My Aunt got knocked down when she was using a pay phone and she got robbed when she was in her 80's!
I prefer to shop with cash. I can't get used to just having a card to pay for everything. I like to have some cash on me at all times and besides I feel like paying in/with cash keeps you from overspending in the first place.
I use a debit card ,which is linked to my bank account. So it's not credit, it's actual money that I have. A few months ago when my debit card was compromised and $300 stolen out of my bank account, my bank investigated and replaced the money. If I had been carrying cash, the stolen money would not have been replaced, so a bank debit card at least offers some kind of protection.
I use cash to control my spending. When I run out of money I know it is time to stop shopping. I do try to be more aware of how I handle my cash to avoid being short changed because some one else was in a hurry and failed to give me the correct change. It is my responsibility to count my money also, when the people behind me want to be rude and push me to get out of the way I ignore them and take my time to count my change.
I am a credit card person. I find that it's a lot easier and I can see at the end of the month where my money goes. Granted I know I spend more each month when I only use my credit card. When I was first married and on a very tight budget I would withdraw a weekly amount and only spend that on food and necessities. It really helped me keep my spending under wraps. I have a credit card where I get 2% back on purchases so I try and use it so I can get the cash back and save a little money.