I think the main point here is what saves you money and the question of quality, but remember that used products too may come from that your adorable designer. As long as it doesn't go against your ideology, a used product can be economical.
We have a similar kind of business in our place. We call it "ukay-ukay"/ The prospective buyers are free to look for their dress, pants, shirts, bags, among others from the piles of the second hand or used items. The items look new and seem to be unused by sold in a very low, low prices.
I do and I am not ashamed of it. You can find new items with the price tags and save a lot of money! Also, the quality of those things is quite high. It's the perfect price for the things you wear.
Actually when it comes to shopping I do this only if needed. When I buy clothes I always look and check for the quality that will last for a long time even for years even it costs a little bit expensive. Rather than buying cheap and less expensive items that easily
Hey that might be good a good idea. However,. why to buy second hand stuff in first place. You can get new things in your budget too. Several coupon and cashback websites offer various deals on a number of products like apparels, electronics, etc. Check out one of such websites like Groupon, DontPayFull, Kiindly, or Ebates and you can avail some great offers, given that the Holiday season is going on right now.
I agree we can purchase new things at affordable prices too. then why choose second-hand products. Like you can check out theLog In