Online tutoring is gaining prominence these days. You can easily find free and paid certification courses, diploma courses even university courses. Do you buy online courses to enhance your knowledge and skills? If you shop for online courses, where do you go most of the time.
I was looking for language cours specially French and German and hope to get one that will suit me. They need good speed and good internet connection. There is also the time zone factor that needs to be taken into consideration.
If you check online, you can find many language learning programs and apps. You can take the course you want and time is never the factor. Even though language courses are available for free, free courses have limited. By paying as little as $4 a month, you will have access to a good language course.
I am not clear when you say time zone is not a factor. There will be conversation betweeen the student and teacher and if that happens when it is midnight here, for example that will not suit me. Having said that I will still look around and see if there is anything that suits me time wise too.