Staying fit is important. People take different means for this purpose. And, subscribing to a gym membership is the most embraced method, as could be guessed. This is a good way of staying fit, especially for them who suspect their constancy. However, gym membership comes with a cost which could be easily avoided by doing simple activities like climbing stairs, doing household chores, gardening etc. It is being told that staircase climbing is an effective cardio exercise which burns more calories in lesser time. Do you take on stairs as a mode of exercise?
Yes I do, but it's because that's the path that I must take to reach my destination, not the one that I want to go. It strains my legs, so if I want some exercise I would just walk briskly or jog.
I recently started exercising because I discoverd my weight was increasing unnecessarily. I find this staircase an effective way of exercising becauseafter climbing it I feel the difference this makes me feel that I'm doing the right thing.
This is a great way to try to save some money, haha. It doesn't yield as much as you think, but it helps anyway. After all, money is money, right?
I sometimes take the stairs to keep fit. I too exercise at home, but trying to exercise regularly is still something to embrace, lol. I am a Senior Citizen, so I know we got to keep in shape and limber so we don't have our little aches and pains too. I like to do my exercises which is usually tai chi and bends and twists in front of the tv. I like doing exercises in front of the tv for time flies when you watch tv.
It has been years since I went to a gym simply because I haven't been motivated to go and waste money on it because I am not consistant. Instead I do walk as much as I can to stay active and well having a toddler is a great work out as they can really make you run almost all day. I take the stairs instead of the escalator aswell.
lol...pls climbing stairs can never be substituted for gyming ,gyming has a way of encouraging ppl dat really need lose weight rather than climbing stairs ,although stairs can be used as a part time but never a substitute pls...
That sounds like a great idea-and maybe finding a nice old building just to train in, around your neighborhood would be interesting. This exercise would really be great to tone your butt,thighs,calves and would also knock a lot of weight off your waist as well. Its totally free though unlike a gym membership- and also you could explore and find lots of old stairways to run up as well.
I use the stairs but not because I want to save money by not visiting the gym. I agree there are many activities anyone can do to keep fit and lose weight without visiting the gym. I get tired faster while climbing up the stairs than going down the stairs. For example, there is the option to use the lift in my school. Since classrooms start at 7th floor and my classes are mostly held on 9th floor, very few people climb the stairs from ground floor to even 7th floor. I see most men do it. I tried once but couldn't reach 6 levels. But I have ever climb down the stairs from 11th floor to ground floor.
There was a time when I'd wear a pedometer and track every single step I would take. During that time, yep, I would purposely take the stairs, park far away from the store, make extra trips to my room to get certain items, etc. All to get more steps to add up on that pedometer. Because steps = calories subtracted from what I ate that day. But that's when calories were very important to me. After a while, it didn't work so well. Now I mostly watch carbs and sugar. But because of that pedometer that I wore in the old days, the good news is that the extra steps, extra walking, parking away from the store and everything else all became a habit, and I do it now anyway. The more you move, the more you burn, and I've learned that you don't need to count every step or calorie each day to live a healthy lifestyle.
Yes, and not just stairs but I also do a bit of jogging on my own and prefer to walk from place to place than to ask someone for a ride. I use stairs a little bit more than I use an elevator, while I think using a gym is beneficial you can also work out at home on your own time for a much cheaper price, free generally speaking.
I definitely do this at home and also at the workplace. Both these places have the stairs. And for this works out for me. I have made use of the stairs whenever possible. To some extent this does help in some percent. You're forced to work with the quick increase in heart rate too. So on that note it'd be reasonable to make use of the cycle as well. As that can be helpful for the gym if you ask me.
In my former office, we had a memo that encourages employees to use the stairs for 3 floors and below. It said that using the stairs is good exercise. I agree to that. However, I don’t think using the stairs can take the place of the workout in the gym and even the workout at home unless you will be walking 3 floors 10 times in a day.
Taking the stairs is a great way to get fit but it shouldn't take the place of gym membership. Only your calves will be strengthened when you take the stairs. But when you have a gym membership, you have a wide array of sports equipments at your disposal to suit different purposes.
Stairs climbing is not for everyone. People with health issues like me are better off with low impact activities like walking, calisthenics, taebo, and zumba. Although they burn slightly less calories than running or stairs climbing for the same amount of time, they can be good alternatives to a gym workout if done consistently. Nevertheless, if one wants to save on gym membership, there are basic gym clubs that charge low fees per session or on a monthly basis and have no membership fees. I don't have a stationary bike at home but I go to a gym with one at least once a week and I also get to use their bench presses. Besides that, I have free weights at home and do some workout with them to tone my upper arm muscles.
I take stairs when I am alone and do not feel comfortable taking the lift or the escalator. Having said that I like to use the staircase for health reasons. I have the first floor and I must be going up there atleast six or seven times in the day.
This might be the only area where my anti-social tendencies seem to work in my favor. I hate the elevator and much prefer to take te stairs, and plus I get the exercise.
I don't take the stairs to save on the gym, but rather I live on the second floor and I am always exercising by taking the trash our checking the mail and doing laundry and going places. And it keeps me healthy because I end up getting a lot of exercise throughout the day. P.S. since I moved here my health has been getting better and better each day.