Bearing in mind that any animal is a living breathing creature and having an animal as a pet is a responsibility - that should never be taken lightly or be something that should come as a surprise - especially as in choosing to take on that responsibility there is a certain amount of planning to be done - as well as that of making sure - that enough time can be devoted to getting to know the chosen new furry friend - in order to ensure that - not only does he or she feel comfortable in their new environment - but more importantly safe and secure too. This - unfortunately for many animals - is not always the case - as there are still many people who without thinking or even realizing the consequences - that choose to buy that cute little kitten or puppy they've just seen in the pet store and give it as a surprise gift - which then once the novelty has worn off - generally lands up being abandoned or worse. The latter of which - is for me - one of the main reasons why I would never - even remotely - consider giving an actual live animal to anyone as a gift - as I would much rather - if someone really and truly did want a pet as a companion - give a gift voucher from an animal sanctuary or pet rescue center - as that way - not only would I know that the prospective owner would be able to choose a time that was right for them - but also that the prospective owner and the prospective pet would be a good match and of course the money that I had spent to purchase the gift voucher would be going to a good cause. So what about you - what are your thoughts on this - do you think people should give an animal as a gift to someone who hasn't made any preparations to receive it ? or Do you think it would be better to give a gift voucher - so that they could go and choose their own pet for themselves - at a time that was right for them ?
Giving a voucher would better than actually buying someone a pet because they may not want a pet. It costs money to care for a pet and if someone wasn't planning to spend more money than they do then it's the pet that would suffer. Unless someone expresses an interest in getting a pet as a gift I don't think pets should be given as gifts to anyone . . . . . . . unless it's a parent buying their kid a pet because should the child be unable to take care of the pet the parents can do it.
That is a great idea! I'd still worry about the prospective owner not being ready though.. who can resist a cute, fluffy new toy?? But many would be more thoughtful too, so it is a great idea. I'm totally against pets as gifts. They aren't objects. Like you said, they're living, breathing creatures. Imagine being given to someone as a gift. I know most people wouldn't be swayed by that, but those of us who don't see any life as "lesser than" may think twice because of it. They aren't toys or accessories.. they're beautiful, living beings that deserve a shot at the best possible life and if there is even the smallest chance the person recieving the pet won't be 100% ready for it financially, emotionally, time wise etc, then it shouldn't even be considered. I did recieve two of my fur babies as gifts for Christmas a couple years ago. I still hate the idea of it, but my oldest insisted on surprising me with a kitten for Christmas to mend my broken heart after my dog died. I don't agree with that either LOL, but he wasn't yet aware of my thoughts on this and I couldn't tell him at that point (I have since), his heart was soooo in the right place and he KNEW I would be the best possible owner for them (yes them, he ended up with two lol). We rescue animals.. that's what we do. We're always ready.. so although I don't agree with it for most people, he did know they would be well cared for and he did what I would have done.. chose animals in need. Both had health issues/disabilities and were being ignored by everyone else giving animals as gifts; he couldn't choose just one to help. So it wasn't just for me; I'm very proud of him for it
I don't think it is wise to give pets as gifts. It is better to ask first if the person you have in mind is interested in the pet you are going to give. Like me, I am a dog lover so don't you dare give me a cat or a rabbit or even a hamster. And I also would not like a dog either because I already have 3. So maybe instead of a pet, you can give a Gift Card that has a multiple choice where it says what kind of animal you are intending to give the person.
I don't think that they should be given as gifts without a lot of careful consideration before it's done. For example, if you have a child who wants a pet, and you talk it through and decide they can have one, giving it as a birthday gift is perfectly fine. However, if you haven't had a talk to the recipient and you don't know whether they would like it or not, then I don't think you should buy an animal as a gift.
I think it's okay to give pets as gifts as long as the giver knows the circumstances or the situation the recipient is in. If they are in a good place and you are a close enough of a friend or family member to know all the elements line up then I think it's okay, especially when the pet is a rescue since that benefits two parties. It definitely takes a lot more thought when compared to regular gifts and I think most of the time it probably would be best to just give them a certificate so They can pick and choose when or what they wil get, but for some people who can handle it I think it's okay.
Even as a dog and cat lover, I would never want someone to gift me a pet. As others already noted, it's a 10-15 year commitment, which comes with a lot of expenses and you have to change your current lifestyle and living conditions to accommodate them. Someone who lives alone and travels frequently for work may not want the added hassle and expenses of paying someone else to take care of their pet while they are gone. Also, the person who wants the pet should be the one to pick out which breed they are the best fit with. I suppose if you know for certain that someone is about to get a dog or a cat, you could maybe get them some sort of voucher from the local animal shelter to cover the costs. Or perhaps better yet, just give them cash with a cute card with a cat or a dog on it, along with a few inexpensive pet toys or a food/water bowl that goes well with their current decor.
I also am not in favor of giving an animal as a gift, they should just give material items instead of live creatures because not everyone is responsible enough to fulfill the obligations needed to be a pet owner. However, if the recipient is in fact willing and ready to be a pet owner, then those are the only reasons to give one a live pet.
Me too I think that pets are a big responsibility to take care of and only give as a gift when they discuss a pet as a gift and never wrap them up. After discussing the idea of having a pet make a day for the family to go to a pet shelter or pet store and a vet is what I like when a pet is considered as a gift. A voucher is a good idea if a pet was something a person wanted as a gift to me, because a gift card maybe best as gifts instead for you'll never have to worry if a pet will be cared for or not, maybe?
I don't think it would be wise to give an animal as a present to someone just for the sake of giving a present. In this situation, I believe there should be consideration relating to receiver's capacity to administer proper to the animal. In this instance, these should be some of the important concerns: 1. if the person is an animal lover 2. If there appropriate facility to host the animal 3. if person has the time and resources to adequately care for the animal I believe that if these there is evidence that these requirements may not be met, then an animal should not be given because you may be subjecting it to possible harm.
I would never give anyone a pet as a gift, for the reasons that were already discussed. The only exception would be taking my daughter to a shelter to choose a pet, and that would only be after we planned it and prepared a place for the pet. Surprising someone with an animal that they might or might not want is cruel and unfair to the animal, and an inconvenience for the recipient.
Hmmm. This is a good question. Id someone that I know was talking about getting a specific pet, and I happened to come across a homeless pet, or a pet that was looking for a loving home, and I knew that this person could be trusted to provide the animal with those things, then I would most likely - at the very least - consider giving the pet for a gift. But it would be a well thought out thing. Not a quick decision, because caring for animals is a commitment.
I would only gift someone a pet if they mentioned it directly to me and they're persons which I've already known for a long while. I wouldn't gift someone a pet only to have them throw it out or to not be able to take care of it properly. The respective person needs to be responsible and able to commit to taking care of that animal.
I would never give someone an unexpected pet as a gift. That is just asking to have the animal neglected or abused. That being said, if it is planned out I don't think it is a problem. I once received a pet horse as a graduation gift from my friends and family. I grew up with horses and was going to be moving back to my family farm after graduation, so I was going to have a place to keep and care for the horse. I have been an avid rider for a long time, and already owned one horse that I had to retire. My friends were aware of this and knew that I was already looking for a horse. Multiple knowledgeable friends Inspected the horse to make sure it was sounds, and would mesh well with my riding style. I personally never got to meet the horse until I owned it. He Is the best horse I have ever owned, and has the sweetest disposition. I do not regret receiving him as a gift even though I had no say in picking him out.
If it's a mutual agreement, yes! If not, you shouldn't surprise someone with an animal. Animals and pets are not toys, the person who gets it should be fully aware and compliant. It would be a "gift" the person will have to feed, take care and spend a lot of time, money and care for a really long time, so it's actually unfair to this person if you give them a pet without them even wanting or expecting it, right? It is a cute gift if the person clearly says they want a pet and mention they would love to receive one as a gift. If that is the case, you will always be remembered fondly for giving them this incredible gift!
Caring for a pet is a job that not everyone wants. The time and money needed to care for a pet may not be something that a person wants to be responsible for even if the like animals. I personally would not appreciate any one giving me more work. Some people would see this gift as a good thing I would not and there are many people like me. It is not that I don't like animals I just don't want to take care of a pet.
You never know what is the treatment that the peorson you're gifting the animal to is going to have with it, for example, when I was with my ex months ago, I gifted her a fish, a beautiful one, also a little aquarium where she was supposed to have it in, well, the fish did not last a week, the point is that it all depends on the individual you're gifting the animal to, if you know that person loves animals like a lot, go ahead and try it, but you should be aware of that, also many other factors such as having enough room at the place they're going to have it in, can they handle to maintain it? is the animal going to be happy in its new home? you gotta realize.
I'm not in favor of giving animals as gifts, especially by those outside of the family, without checking with parents first. That being said, I received my first cat as an adult (I'd had one growing up) as a gift, and loved that furbaby like a child. I like the idea of giving a gift certificate to a rescue or other shelter, because that way, even if the person chooses not to get a pet, the donation has been made, and the organization (and the pets) will benefit.
I don't think pets should be given as gifts for the same reasons most of you already stated. I also think that while the voucher idea is noble, it's not the best because it would feel like this person either goes to the shelter/sanctuary to pick up a pet or they are forfeiting the gift. I would educate those around me about being responsible pet owners and about adoption process, and let them adopt when they are ready. Just give them a normal gift. The only exception would be of course a parent giving their own child a pet as a gift, because then it would be for their own home and their responsibility, since a kid can't really be expected to care for a pet. My first cat was a "gift" from my parents, but it was really our family cat not just mine.
I got animals as gifts when I was a kid. People have given me a puppy, a rabbit and a hamster but my parents eventually gave them all away because they cannot afford the food for them. My Clio is the first dog I got to keep since I'm now an adult. People should really consider a few things before giving animals as gifts. There's the person's lifestyle, economic status, if the person is responsible enough or of the person really wants a pet. An animal could be a bother to them and eventually just give up their gift.