I cannot stand cellphones and don't carry one around. People bug you all the time, especially girlfriends. I'd rather keep in touch via email. Actually, I enjoy reading email.
I am not sure how people use their phone that puts them in the category of 'unsocial' but I can't imagine my life without a phone anymore. I am a marketing professional and solve more than half of my problems talking to my clients without even visiting them. But if you mean some people use their phones for chatting etc that is different matter.
I think they do definitely make people unsocialable. I mean when you go outside and look around, almost everyone either has their phone in their hand, are using it whilst walking or listening to music using their phones. They are pretty important but nowadays considering how many different things you can with your phone, it is a huge cause of all these unsociable people nowadays
I believe it to be true that has made people more unsociable. Many people are now walking around with headphones on their heads which are attached to their cellphone. In most instances they are totally oblivious as to what is taking place in the immediate surroundings, therefore, unlike in the past, it may not be prevalent to experience persons exchanging good morning greetings or having initiating meaningful conversations. For the younger generation, especially, it's mostly about texting and sharing information across preferred media an there is hardly any interaction outside of this method of communication.In many instances, instead of helping others in distress, many persons opt to be taking pictures of the distressed persons to be shared with their colleagues over their favorite social platform.
Exactly my point. I always make a point of keeping my phone down or explaining to the person if I need to use my phone urgently so that I don't appear uninterested in the talk. I wish everyone did this.
It isn't cell phones that are making us anti-social, it is games that are doing that. when I say games, I mean video games, X-box or internet games, or those games that are played solitarily. Cell phones enable us to make contact with others, either just to chat or to make arrangements to meet. They can be viewed as anti-social if you are in company and one person starts texting and spending time on the phone. This is not just anti-social behaviour but extremely bad mannered.
Any technology has its pros and cons and so has the phone. Just imagine the world without cellphones and tell me how unsocial could people be without any communication with their loved ones. I think we should take the things in their right prospective.
Absolutely. I think cell phones have been the biggest factor in changing the way we socialize because we can now access social media and the internet on our cell phones in addition to the traditional uses like texting and playing games. So it is no surprise to me that some people interact more with their phones than with people.
I use my phone only when it is must. I have seen people using it for absolutely without any particular reason but hut to show off that they own a costly phone. I often travel by public transport as it saves me time traveling by metro trains and I feel astounded watching almost 90 commuters glued on their phone as if they have nothing else to do. That is a dangerous situation.
It depends on the angle one looks at the issue from. You can argue that it enhances sociability as you can contact each other even over long distances and even update your timelines using applications like Whatsapp and Social media. But there seems to be a general hit on social attentiveness due to absent mindedness and interruptions when people use their phones in social setups.
I don't mind when people use their phones for socializing but what would you say that most of them playing different games and listening to music at a high volume?
Yes, I think cellphone is making people to become unsociable.We were created to be social beings, but this platform of socializing through the media forms,cellphones being one of them,has destroyed the socialization culture. My husband cannot put his phone down, we have had arguments about this behavior until I gave up.He is so addicted.
Cell phone addiction is real. This is because they have been modified to be like a virtual friend. My brother and I had the habit of using cellphones during dinner or during play time until our mum banned us from using them until we could be able to make friends. It was complicated because you are used to sitting down and playing games and now you have to move around and deal with friends who sometimes don't notice you. But it really helped us socialize with people. Cellphone can make it hard for you to make friends and they should be avoided when possible.
One of the most irritating situations I have been in is when I am trying to have a coversation with someone but they prefer being on their phone the entire time. I mean if all you are going to do is be on the phone all day might aswell stay home and not waste the others time. You are out to have fun but they find their phones more entertaining.
Cell phones are not only making people unsociable, but they are a threat on the road. Along with drunk driving, it's a cause of traffic accidents. In fact, they are such a threat, that the media and police are beginning to take serious action on the issue. Anyhow, there are certain hands-free devices you can buy to replace the cell phone in your vehicle.
Use of Cellphone for your personal use is not a problem as long you are not disturbing others or using it in your working hours but I feel really irritated when I am sitting in an office for some important work and the parson concerned is busy on his phone talking personal matter nonstop.
The unsociability of a person who is using his cellphone depends on how he manages himself. CPs are very useful and not all the time that a person is using when he is in the public or attending a party, a conference, or in any meeting. For me, cp doesn't in any manner make a person becomes aloft or unsociable.
People have adapted to the digital age and become more dependent on cell phones than ever. I started to point the finger at younger people, but I have seen people of all ages struggle with person to person interactions. For people who struggle with social anxiety, technology can be a very useful tool, but when I go out to dinner and see mom, dad, and the kids all on their phones, it irritates me. So, in general, I do believe that it does contribute to people being " unsociable".
No, I really don't think cell phones will make people more unsociable. In fact, I think cellphones might just do the opposite, eventually people will want to actually hang out with the person on the other end of the line. With cellphones, they might be encouraged to go and talk with other people here and there.