I find that I like using my credit card virtually every purchase I make no matter how small the price maybe. Two days ago while I was making payment for a soft drink I bought which cost about $0.75 I was politely approached by the customer behind me. He was like that's too small for a credit card you don't have cash? After that encounter I had a rethink maybe I should start going with cash for micropayments not made online.
I think digital currency is the future and very convenient too. I too use my debit card for most of my offline and online purchases. I have a credit card too but I stopped using it nowadays. Whenever I use a credit card I always end up buying more than my budget. But while using debit card I am aware that I can't spend more than my bank balance. So I can have a better control on spending. But as you said it is important to have some hard cash with us. Some times the card may not work due to technical issues so anyway we need to pay. So we should keep some cash as backup.
I use my credit card for specific purposes like for car fuel, buying groceries and in times that I dine in classy restaurants. But I make it a point to use my credit card for big purchases only. When my groceries cost less than $20 then I just pay in cash. Too many purchases add burden to the accounting of our finances.
Well, I am very sorry to tell you that it is, of course, unethical use your credit card for a small purchases. The seller would be receiving in return a small income for that purchase made. And it would be advisable to pay it in a loos change or in cash if the purchase is too small. If you were a business owner, won't you react for that?
I prefer cash, I actually do not like paying with any type of card but some bills I must but it always takes for ever for them to be taken out of me account... and its aggravating for me with cash I know its paid then an there.
For small transactions in small shops I always pay cash, otherwise the credit card charges for the transaction mean the shop can end up paying to give you the goods! There are often signs in the area that state "cards not accepted under £10" because of this. The large stores make a larger profit margin, so I'll use my card for smaller transactions as the issue doesn't arise.
I didn't know either that small purchases were frowned upon by the businesses. I use my credit card and debit card mostly for purchases and sometimes cash if I have any on hand. I thought as long as you paid for your stuff its okay. I will keep this in mind and I learned something today. Thanks.
I have never used my credit card till date for the simple reason that it is still a form of a debt which I simply dislike. I use either cash or debit card. That way I sleep peacefully.
Initially I didn't want to go for the credit card for same reason you stated. After series of calls for one I finally decided to give it a try. I'd say it makes purchases smooth you wouldn't need bother carrying cash about all the time. The limitation some small shops are yet to allow POS machine.
Not all stores I frequent accept credit cards as payment node so I can't use my credit cards for all purchases, Besides that, the stores that accept credit cards impose a minimum amount for charging. I prefer to use credit cards not just to accumulate points that I can use for redeeming items but also to make sure that I'm paying the exact amount for the grocery bill. I've been using credit cards for about ten years and by now, I've learned to shop within the limit of my budget and to pay off the total amount every billing cycle to avoid incurring interest charges.
No. I usually use my credit card (which happens infrequently because I don't like credit cards) when the amounts on my purchases are too high to be paid in cash. In those situations there is no other way and I need to use the credit card.
I only use my Credit card when i'm either low on cash or my purchases are of significant amount as i feel that using Credit card for everything can be a bad financial decision.