Well, at the moment, there is not. But there is something called VRASE (that you can check at vrase.com) that seems pretty cool. It cost $100 and it has no display of it's own, meaning, you connect your smartphone with it using an app for a 3D virtual reality experience. I think this can be something great. What do you think about it?
It does indeed look very cool, but only to those using it. To everyone not using it, it looks kind of chunky and, quite frankly, a bit absurd. I don't think I would pay $100 dollars for it though. My price range is probably closer to $50-$75 dollars though, but at that price I would get one in a heartbeat, especially because of how modular it is with phones. The fact that they came up with a system for most different types of phones is just amazing. Moreover, I like how as a myopic, I don't need to wear my glasses while using this. Other than that, it does seem a bit uncomfortable, but other than that if the price falls I may jump for one.
If there was a cheap smart glass, I would definitely check it out. I'd take a look at its features, its camera, its durability and how the overall device looks. If the device looks like this: Forget it. However, if it functions just like the Google Glass for half the price, I would probably grab a hold of one. Oh, and I don't fancy VRASE. I don't see any practical reason to own it.
I personally do not think I would use "wearable tech, inexpensive version". You see, I demand that things like VR projectors, smart-watches and others that will be on prolonged contact with my body are of the highest quality. You need to exercise common sense here. If they ask if you want to use a chair made of low quality materials for you to spend your 8 hour work-shift sitting there, would prefer your body was in contact with that one or with the best executive chair?. These "wearable technology" devices do not have to be measured with a different standard. If it is going to be in touch with your body for a prolonged time, always demand the best.
No, I don't like any cheap electronic gadgets. I am a heavy user. I need my gadgets to be high ends. Because if they were not, then they are just gonna be useless. They are not going to serve the way I would want them to. Cheap gadgets don't perform that well compared with expensive gadgets. They lag in specs and features all the time. If one is just looking for having a gadget to say that he has it, then he can go for the cheap one. But if one is after the function, specs and durability, if he's after the technology itself, then cheap ones will just fail him. He should instead buy the expensive ones.
LOL, I am missing the point why you don't want to look like the guy in that picture... Actually VRASE seems cool, haven't tried it, but isn't exactly half price, it's $100, while Google Glass was just released in the UK still in the prototype version for £1000, meaning approximately $1700, so it's 17 times more expensive... I am not getting a Google Glass anytime soon, no way.
I'm not sure I understand...if it has no display, and it has used in conjunction with your smartphone, why is this smart glass? It sounds more like just an app than anything else, although perhaps I'm understanding it wrong.
It is a display Annable, just some plastic thing where you put your smartphone in and it magnifies the size of the phone, pretty much like the image that appears when you click on the link I posted on the beginning of the thread. Sure, I agree that is doesn't look awesome, but for $100 it does look pretty cool.
It's definitely awesome, however it's pretty hideous. It would only be for personal use... when you're home... alone... It would be kind of embarrassing for anyone to see you wearing these.
I would not find myself using something like this. It would serve no purpose nor would I want to she'll put for useless products. Also, if I was to she'll put for something like this, it better be high end, not something as hideous as this.
I don't even like wearing regular glasses, so I'm skeptical I'd like the smartglass. I think I'd be much more in favor of just using a smart watch because that would at least be a little more subtle. Also, I'm not really fond of the idea of having a screen in front of me for longer than I need to. I'm already glued enough to digital devices as it is, I think it would be much healthier to give it a rest. However, I do realize that it may carry with it its own set of advantages, in which case I may change my tune if I ever find myself finding one benefit that I really like. but as of now this is my opinion of it.
About how useful smart glasses can be, I'm still yet to be convinced. I think that we live in the information age, but the way information is gathered is also very important. I don't think I would like to be walking around talking to my voice activated glasses getting also some information that I want. And the kind of person that prefers sitting down and having privacy when I'm doing one or two major bits of research. So for me the idea of smart glasses is not so welcomed and so even if they were cheap ones I would not go for them.
I think it's just natural that most of us says we won't need a smart glass, come on, if we asked any person 20 years ago if they would need a cell phone what would the answer be? The fact is that smart glasses are giving it's first steps and for first steps they do look amazing, so after awareness is created I think we will start craving for a pair to ourselves...
So, why don't you get the VRASE broadleaf? Sure, it's not exactly a Smart Glass, but for $100 I think it does a great job. To be honest I am pretty comfortable in waiting for a while to get my smart glass because I feel that everything is too experimental right now, but in a couple of years at the most I definitely want one.