There are people who when they are buying anything will buy only specific brands regardless of how expensive they might be. Some try to justify what they do by talking about quality but fact is there are cheaper brands or even generic brand products which are just as good. Just curious, does brand loyalty hold you captive, make you spend more money on products when you could be saving some of that money if you bought a cheaper product?
I won't buy a specific brand if I can get away with it. However certain companies I've worked for in the past insisted that the clothing I used for work was a certain brand and not anything else. On those occasions, while I had to buy that specific brand I would try to make as many savings as possible such as buying it in the sale, using coupons to get money off or cashback on the those items in question seems like a logical way to go. If it wasn't necessary though, I'd just buy the cheaper alternative.
I buy generic and I buy brand name. For example I like Ore Ida Potatoes and they happen to be on sale at Safeway this week. I usually buy generic brands of potatoes from Walmart. Because they are on sale at Safeway I will buy Ore Ida Potatoes this week in fact 2 pkgs. for the sale price is cheaper than the generic brand I buy at Walmart. It depends on the price for me as well as content. I try to buy very healthy, but I must admit Walgreens had a coupon sale on Vienna Sausages for just .79 4 limit and I bought 4 of them!
I am not really interested in brand names, unless it comes to food. I like to buy the brands that I trust, but if for some reason their prices increase dramatically, I will look for alternatives. Luckily, this hasn't really happened so far. Also, there is a particular brand of shoes that I trust so much that I can order shoes from that company online without the slightest doubt in my mind that the shoes won't fit. But generally speaking, I am a sensible shopper.
We are loyal to our brands particularly for consumables like soap and toothpaste. But it's not really about the cost because our toothpaste brand is actually cheaper than the popular brands. For the soap, it is more expensive but the effect is our foremost concern. We tried 2 soaps before that caused rashes to the skin of my husband. He is very particular with soap and even shampoo.
Nope - absolutely no way am I brand loyal and although I would agree that there are brands that do have some lines that consistently perform as expected - as there are way more that don't - I honestly think it pays to always shop around - to see if the quality or the same functions and features can be matched or even bettered by another manufacturer - before buying anything - otherwise instead of getting value for money - you run the risk of - landing up paying for a name rather than a quality product. Particularly as - there isn't a single manufacturer whose products consistently perform as expected across the board - for the simple reason that - all manufacturers, regardless of whether they are a well known brand name or not - all have one thing in common - they all have some very good lines - as well as some extremely bad ones - a good example of which would be kitchen appliances - where you'll find one manufacturer that consistently makes excellent washing machines but mediocre dishwashers and another that does great fridges and freezers but extremely poor dishwashers and washing machines.
In the past, yes, I have spent more money than I should have done on things because of the fact that I was trying to stay loyal to a brand. However, this is something that I have now stopped because of the fact that I was struggling to pay for everything that I was buying, so I knew that I had to stop spending money somehow! Now, I much prefer to buy the cheapest brand possible, as it means that I can save money without having to compromise on the quality of the food that I eat.
It's funny, because many no name/generics, are the exact same product as the big brands.. literally. Yet people turn their nose up. Brands are not something I will ever be loyal to.. they certainly aren't loyal to the people lol. I'm loyal to Canadians and to the workers/growers here.. I'm loyal to people who make our country great.. not unhealthy or stuff obsessed. People who take advantage of us will never get my loyalty. I will compare prices and go with whatever works for me.. the name on said product can choke for all I care lol. I'm very aware of where my purchases come from and who/what I'm contributing to.. I won't save a penny if it means lining the wrong pockets or hurting people and animals. When it comes to my food specifically, I save a ton just by eating healthy, so it's not even a debate.
Well I am loyal to certain electronic brands because they are durable and they can make me save money in the long run, but when it comes to grocery items, I am loyal to decent products that are cheap. I think we should not sacrifice quality for a few dollars or cents of savings when they will break easily or the quality is bad.
No, and I have no brand loyalty. I am aiming for the cheapest price period unless a generic brand is clearly inferior. It is just one of the options that I believe in. If the brand price is the cheapest I will buy it, if not, I am all for buying generic. I seriously can not think of any brands that I am loyal to.
I am loyal to certain brands, but I always go shopping with a game plan in mind. I do not want to go into a store blindly. I like certain brands, but I don't feel the need to only get that brand. I can see how some people might do this, but I don't. I am always looking to get a deal!
I think it probably havens for me sometimes especially when I'm really hesitant to try out other brands for a long time and I eventually try the cheaper ones and find out they are just as good or maybe even better. For the most part I like to think I'm fairly objective though. At the very least I'd maybe buy my favorite brand and the cheaper one just for once so I could test it out and if it turns out I don't like the cheap one I will still have my usual brand as a backup. For more expensive items this isn't that possible so it's much harder to choose.
I don't dwell on brand loyalty. I may stick mostly to a particular brand because it may have been tried and proven to provide good quality. However, I will not be tied to that brand in a way that would prevent me from capitalizing on a deal from another credible producer.
I work with Consumer Experience and the whole idea of engaging a customer and making them loyal is to be able to charge more and not depend so much on sales. One a customer is loyal, they will naturally pay more to buy your product or use your service. This is based on extensive studies If someone says they are loyal but will buy somewhere else got a slight cheaper price, they are not loyal to the brand - they are loyal to the brand's low prices!
It ultimately depends on the brand. There are so-called designer or high-end brands which cost a fortune simply because they're created or endorsed by reputable individuals. I do have a brand preference but I make sure to pick brands that are underrated (meaning less media mileage) yet just as effective.