I need to see a dentist, but don't want to drive as far as I did to see my old dentist. I looked online for dentists in the town where I live and found a few dental practices, but then it occurred to me that the rents/mortgages of properties on that road and in this town are higher than those in the next town over, which is actually closer to where I live. I decided to call a dentist in that town, and will be seeing him later. I don't have dental insurance, and that can factor into such decisions, since it often limits a person to which providers they will see. The initial quote I received sounded a lot lower than what I have paid in the past when visiting my main dentist. I did a Google search for reviews of dentists in that town before selecting one, and selected him from three I'd chosen to call. Hopefully it will work out, and end up being a longstanding relationship. How do you choose your medical and dental care providers? Does cost factor into the decisions?
I have insurance, but bad one. I'm very limited to the providers in our network. Medical provider reviews are something that's hard to find where I live. I tend to choose by recommendation from my family or my primary doctors.
With health, we don't scrimp although we still look at the probable expense. When I was hospitalized for severe pain due to kidney stones that caused UTI (urinary tract infection), I had wanted to be confined in a nearby hospital which is cheaper. But my husband insisted to bring me to a classy and expensive hospital called Makati Medical Center. I was confined for 4 days and 3 nights and I felt very comfortable unlike if I were taken to the cheaper hospital near our place. Now I understand that we get the money's worth with expensive hospitals.
The dentist office I went to was very understanding of my financial situation, and worked up three different pricing options for me, based on how I intend to proceed. They also mentioned some other ways I could look into, with regard to finding the needed resources. I might have to look into switching plans so that the work I need will be covered, but I am going to look everything over carefully before proceeding. @Corzhens If I could afford it, I'd probably have chosen the hospital your husband insisted on, as well. I figure if you're going to be uncomfortable and in pain, you might as well at least have nice surroundings, and receive a little pampering.
I do choose dentist who have quality care and inexpensive costs. I found one by chance when my partial needed mending. I have Medicaid, that we are presently finally got legislative approval for adult Medicaid dental services. The bills are still in the Legislature, but sure to pass. Medicaid in most States have adult dental services, a Rep. Gov. Lingle took our adult Medicaid dental services away when she was gov. We are now working to get back our benefits and bring even more benefits for Medicaid patients. We have Aloha Medical Mission Dental Clinic free dental service for a few dental services. Good luck and I hope you find a good dentist that cares and charges little for non insured people. Hawaii is moving ahead with better dental care for Medicaid patients, thank God!
I always try to marry the price with their reputation. I wouldn't go solely off the price. I need to be assured of the practice's good service as well. Right now I need to start looking as I haven't been for a dentist's visit for a few years. The hold up has been getting a reasonably priced medical aid cover, which continues to elude us. That's proving to be quite problematic because my husband has a pre-condition that shoots up the monthly subscription clean off the roof each time we make an enquiry. The way it's going, I think we may have to put it on the back burner and just pay out of our own pocket, which will be a killer. But we'll be asking friends and family for recommendations and will go with a dentist based on price as well as reputation. I can't divorce the two. Good luck with yours, @Diane Lane
I'm one of those people who have a "family" doctor. The one doctor who treats everyone in the family, knows everything about them and offers deep discounts on services. If I'm away from home then I'll prefer to get my information from people I know. Who their favorite doctor/dentist is, why they like them, that kind of stuff. But at the end of it all, I'll have to factor in what fees they charge for their services before I make my selection.
I ended up having oral surgery this week, and couldn't be happier with both the local dentist's office and also the oral surgery center. I've already referred a friend to the dentist, and she is the one who drove me to the surgery center, so she's now also familiar with them. I used to live in a more central location, and so did she and her husband, so we had dentists over on that side of the highway. Because there's a big construction project in the works involving that highway that will impact our daily lives for probably five or more years, we're trying to transition services closer to home, for ease of use.
I have health insurance but no dental insurance, so choosing a dentist definitely depends on the cost. I really can't afford to go to just any dentist that has the best reputation so I have no option but to choose the one that costs less.