Has anyone tried a dog treat that actually helped your dog's breath? We brush his teeth about every other day and use a product help with tarter and that sort of thing. He's been a little stinky for about a month. We didn't change his diet. I'm not sure what else to try.
You seem to be doing all it takes to keep bad breath away, I wonder if it has to do with his digestion. Has he had problems in this area lately? I have noticed that when my dog has problems with digestion her breath smells awful. I hope someone comes along with some suggestions.
I think certain hard-based treats are supposed ti help with that. Is the dog outside a lot? is it possible that it's eating something that you may not know about? We have that problem every now and then.
Blehhh dog breath is the worst, my old dog has TERRIBLE breath! He won't tolerate tooth brushing, so I got some Hartz "Crunch 'n Clean" treats, they help a ton with stinky breath and both my dogs go crazy over them! My neighbor also suggested putting a spoon full of PLAIN yogurt in their food, and that actually helped a lot too. The other day at the pet store I saw some stuff you put in their water to help with breath too that is suppoed to be the equivalent to brushing their teeth, but I can't remember what it's called. Hope your find a solution to your dog's smelly breath!