If you wanting to save money on pet food, then you want to make sure they don't have worms, cause they will eat too much. Anyhow, though, there constant craving for food might not be because of worms, though. For instance, there might be a situation where you fed the cat adequately, but it just constantly is looking at you. What's wrong with the cat?
Perhaps the cat wants you to give it some affection? Cats are strange anyway. Sometimes there could be something else wrong with the cat. I know that when dogs have a tumour they get very hungry all the time and irritable too. If you are concerned then phone the vet and tell them, they will tell you if you need to take your cat to see them or not.
Well, I think it is better to concern a veterinary doctor for your cat. Maybe your cat has some problem that it couldn't able to express well. Please take care of its health.
Feeding a cat makes you curious why it is staring at you though it is being fed more than enough what it wants. This kind of situation needs something to search about. Probably those who are experts in training animals including the cat have an answer to this. They have been studying the behavior of those animals. They have studied on how those animals communicate among themselves. Therefore, they are in good position to answer your question why cat is staring at you though they are already been fed.
I have two dogs and one of them is a real "foodie". I rescued her and for 7 years of her life she was abused so I think she is greedy because before I had her she wondered where her next meal was coming from. I know she would be really overweight if I didn't control her eating so I weigh it out according to the instructions on the bag. She gets treats too and so far this has worked as she is an ideal weight.
Well I just hope that this is not something that goes to surprise anyone who gets them as pets. Hopefully they have already more or less worked that into the budget...but a foodie pet seems a little difficult.
When our dogs were being fed with canned dog food, I used to complain about the cost. We have 3 dogs and although they are medium in size and 2 are actually small (pug and pekingese) the food allowance is no joke especially because the canned dog is expensive. But when we shifted to cooked food, we had a lot of saving. Besides, cooked food assures us of the fresh ingredients which are healthier for our dogs.
@Alexandoy Well, I know one thing for sure. They prefer wet to dry food. That's obvious. In that case, it might be cheaper to get dry, but you're getting a better bargain if you seek out deals for the wet. Of course, one option to save money which my family uses involves mixing the dry and wet.