I agree that people should read the posts properly, but I wanted to mention that the Dollar Tree does have a retail website where you can place preorders and read what the sales are. I still don't think the person that called Dollar Tree a website even read the thread, but it just happens that Dollar Tree does have a website. Occasionally the website has special sales where you can have the items shipped to your home or office. But usually you have to pick up your order at your local Dollar Tree store.
I am a Dollar Store Junky. I love Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, and the Dollar General. You are so correct, I absolutely love the Dollar Tree and it is my Favorite too!!! I have to say I am guilty of going in the Dollar Tree to get one specific thing, I always walk past something else and put it in my cart. It is funny that when I go in there,I just count up my items and while at the register before the Cashier can tell me my total I will say it and they are always like,"You are right, you must shop here all the time." I just recently purchased two small beautiful silver picture frames for my little sister and little cousin school pictures. People would be amazed at all the wonderful and durable things that the Dollar Tree! As far as cleaning products. They have the CLR Calcium, Lime, Rust product that is AMAZING, however, the smell could get strong, but it works and the knock off Kaboom is good too, I have to say the product is not as good as the original Kaboom, but it gives it a run for the money. I have to go their today to get some antibacterial handsoap and wonder what else will I pick up...lol
Sandra guess what? Dollar Tree now offers online shopping. There's a catch though, you have to buy specific quantities. The minimum is different for different items, I think, and they also offer items by the case. It's a real advantage when you need several more of something than what would normally be kept in stock on a store shelf.
I mentioned the Dollar Tree website too. It's handy for reading the weekly ad and seeing what the special promotions are. They had a special promotion in January where they would ship to your home or office, which was unusual because they normally just ship your order to the nearest Dollar Tree store and you have to go pick it up. But you can tell that the person who originally called Dollar Tree a website didn't know that Dollar Tree is an actual store because they didn't read the thread.
I like the 99 cent only stores too, but they don't have those here where I live, the last time I went back to Texas we went and we love going there as well.
Dollar tree does have a website too, so do some of the other dollar stores like Dollar General for example, I also like browsing on their websites as much as I like going to the stores!
I live in Key West, and our dollar store often has cans of Progresso soup for $1. What a great bargain. The regular grocery store price is about $2.69 here. In addition, soup is much healthier than most other food and also better if you are on a diet.