When my kids stopped using the bottle, they started to drink with mug, but with the help of a straw. They never left this habit and they still drink it like that, I don't think it's too bad and they do drink at normal speed. What's your say, any problem with kids drinking the milk with a straw?
I only mostly drink with a straw, these days, because I can control where whatever I am drinking goes in my mouth. The reason that I like this technique is because I have had many tooth problems in the past, and when I drink with a straw I can position it a certain way, so that the soda/pop, or juice doesn't get to my teeth in the way that it would if I hadn't been drinking with a/the straw.
My nephews didn't go through this phase. They drink straight from the mug now. Maybe, you can try breaking them out of this habit slowly. Try every morning. Do it every day until the get used to it already.
Eh, to be honest I don't have a huge motivation to get them off the straw you know, they drink the milk, they don't make a mess, so everything is good. Sure, one day eventually they will start drinking normally or else they will just do like dreek does.
My one year old drinks out of a straw a lot of time. We have those little cups with the straw made into it. I kind of like it because she dose not make as big of a mess with it as when she drinks out of a regular cup. I don't see any problem with someone drinking out of a straw except when they eventually go to school they will not have a straw to drink out of there unless you pack there lunch every day.
Ha, those cups are great, I've seen quite a few, but I never had one, I think that when my kids were that age they were still drinking from the bottle or from a small plastic cup, I can't remember if alone or with my help. Straws are really good for kids.
At our house we recently purchased a few cups of a similar fashion. But ours were slightly different. They have a compartment for where children - and adults, I suppose - can store snacks such as sweets and chips/crisps. And in the same compartment there is a route for the straw to travel. Such a brilliant idea. Although for £10 each, they bloody well better had be a brilliant ideas. Anywho, the kids absolutely love them. I haven't drank anything without a straw for ages. It would just feel wrong to do so now.
That's not a bad idea really, but it looks better for kids, I suppose they would love to have a glass with a separate compartment, they could put there snacks or eventually small toys haha, I can imagine my kids doing that...
The only real problem I can foresee is the development of their teeth. It's possible they could get what dentists call an over-bite from the use of drinking with bottles or straws over a long period of time. This could lead to other dental issues, but nothing that isn't reversible.
I think it is fine to drink from straw as long as they do not carry this habbit for quite a long time. It is also fun to use the straw once before you start drinking directly from the mug. But make sure you make them leave this habit pretty soon.
Drinking with a straw actually helps protect your tooth enamel and helps from causing problems with teeth down the line. If the sugars in the liquid aren't directly touching the front of your teeth, it's not as harmful and can prevent cavities. Others have mentioned it, but the only thing to watch is to make sure they aren't chewing on the straw.
I personally have no problem with kids drinking milk with the help of straw. Once they reach puberty stage, I don't think your kids will still be fond of the idea of using straw. They may start to be delinquent with their regular glass of milk. Until that happens, though, simply let them enjoy one of the most important perks of childhood: to drink your milk with a straw.
I'd say it's better to drink from a straw unless it's water. The straw will give it less a chance to erode the teeth. Also, I'm not sure what's wrong with drinking from a straw other than it not being "the norm" (apparently.. what's with that??) wouldn't want to be different in any way lol. They're human beings, so it's a human thing to do lol. Let them do what makes them happy.. there are faaaaaarrr more things to worry about that actually require energy. Drinking from a straw isn't one of them lol.
Yep, that's the way I think as well Josie, it's not a normal thing or the norm as you say, but who cares right? They are drinking the milk ok and like you say, they are also probably benefiting their teeth, so I'll just keep doing it.
I said exactly the same thing above - well given that JosieP was a lot more articulate than I was - but I don't get any likes? Lmaooo!!! I actually carry a small packet of straws around with me at all times, because I know how important it is to keep my teeth in healthy shape after my last few run ins with the dentists. Whenever I run into a drink that isn't water, I pull one of my straws out and take a swig, protecting my teeth as I do so.
I don't think it's really a bad thing. I've seen a bunch of adults that drink with straws, it's just a personal preference thing. I drink with a straw from time to time even though I'm older now.
I personally don't drink with a straw, but I'm curious of the effect it might have on children's teeth, would it be possible that it would harm their growth, the same way that using a pacifier for too long does? Or is it not a problem because it is such a tiny thing?
LOL Dreek, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings... Carrying a packet of straws is something unheard of lol and to be honest I never considering that these might indeed be healthier, but it does make sense because the drink doesn't hit the teeth directly.