My son is just a year old but we have already bought him 3 diaper bags. All of which are now tattered and destroyed. All of which are also very expensive. I hate having to spend a lot of money just to have these low quality bags. What brand do you recommend or even what types of bag do you recommend?
I think diaper bags are overrated and some can be very expensive but I do appreciate them as gifts given at baby showers. I would look for diaper bags at garage sales or flea markets. You would be surprised at what you can find and for much less than at department stores.
Oh thanks for the suggestion! Garage sales are hard to come by in our area. But I have seen some flea markets around here or as we call it tiangge. I will look for diaper bags there. As of now, we are using a backpack when we go out with our baby. It works quite well and fits many of his needs. It is also very handy as we have both hands if we need to use it.
I always got mine from Walmart. They were cheap, very cute, and lasted as long as I needed them. I only used them for about a year or two and they were fine. Still in very good condition when I was done with them. Check them out or Target. They have great prices and they're still good quality.
You could always try and win a free diaper bag. I was able to get a diaper bag/backpack for free from Nestle. Look and see if they are still doing this offer. I like to use backpacks as diaper bags. They are easier to carry around and I found they hold more than a bulky diaper bag. If you buy a good quality backpack it should last a long time.