Does anyone here borrow dvds from the library? My husband and I tried that yesterday. Granted, we were in a smaller branch, not the main branch, but the selection was rather paltry. I could only find two dvds worth seeing, and one of them my husband didn't want to see. My brother, on the other hand, growing up used to borrow dvds and vhs (yes, I'm that old) from the library all the time, but we were living in a different part of the city then. Does your library have a good selection or no?
Our local library has a very limited selection. A lot of the movies are westerns or classics that I am really not interested in seeing. Every once in a while, they will have one that interests both my husband and I. We do live in a smaller city, so I imagine bigger cities would generally have better selections.
I oppose the public library so I don't go there for anything, such as DVDs, music, books, etc. When I was there the last time for a public meeting, I noticed how small the DVD selection was, especially in a big metropolitan library like the ones we have here. I don't think libraries should even have DVDs, considering how taxpayers have to pay for these things.
I don't bother - I just wait for them to come cheap on Amazon, and then I sell them on at car boot sales. I also pick up DVDs very cheaply from boot sales, watch them and then sell them on. As you say, the selection in the library leaves a lot to be desired. Also, when we pick up cheap DVDs, we pass them around our friends, so we get more mileage from them.
Our library doesn't have DVDs - unless they added them recently. I didn't visit in like two years now, but last I checked they only had a few music CDs and audiobooks, and maybe three games. And by the way, old? I used VHS and I'm just barely in the legal age!
My public library has a very extensive DVD collection. They even carry television show collections. They will get multiple copies of new DVD releases. Sometimes a very popular movie will have a waiting list. I do live in a major metro so that makes a big difference. If the local branch doesn't have a particular DVD, I can order it and it will be sent to my branch for pickup. I have been using the public library DVDs for years.
I live in a big city so we have a very good library. I get movies from the library all of the time. I just saw Sherlock Holmes Shadow Games, it took me 3 weeks for it to be my turn, I don't mind waiting. I don't care to see many movies so I can wait.
It's limited, even at our main library. But sometimes I'm a little taken back by some of the DVDs they do have. I watch a lot of horror movies, and I've seen some pretty wild ones at our library.
Libraries tend to have the crappiest dvd and music selection imaginable. I gave up on them years ago, and now go for blockbuster or netflix instead. I like netflix's streaming service better anyways since it's unlimited and I can watch things immediately, and even though the selection of videos for stream is low, it's still a hundred times better than library selections.
Back in the states we'd do that almost every time that we went to the Library. For the most part I would order the videos from the main public library and they would be waiting for me a week or so after the transfer. I was allowed to take about 10 movies at once, because the library staff knew me.
Haha, yeah, I guess it wasn't really that long ago... and I'm actually not all that old, but it kind of makes me feel old to think about it. Also, cassette tapes.
I live in a pretty decent-sized city and the smaller branches on the outskirts have an okay selection but it can be hit or miss...the main branches though will have some really good selections. They usually have newer movies as well but they usually come a few months of being out and best of all...they are free!
Well, to be fair, we never really adopted new technology quickly. It took us forever to get a CD player, or a DVD drive. But hey, cassettes are still alive, a lot of musicians release on them! I'm actually going to release my album at some point on cassette
I don't think that we have a public library, but I get my dvd's/movie fix from the store, or I download them online.
I haven't been to the library yet (new city), but I plan to very soon. I don't usually get movies, but I love that they do that
I knew a friend that got DVDs from the library so that he could copy them. The thing is that he lived in the capital, so the library there is huge, which isn't an option for me, unfortunately.
I borrow DVDs from the library all the time! My library has a pretty good selection considering it's not really that big of a town. It's about the same as the selection at the library where I used to live and that was a MUCH bigger town. And they charged $1/week for each DVD. My library doesn't charge anything as long as you return it on time. Also if it is a season of a TV show then you get to keep it for 3 weeks instead of one. It's great because I have taken out seasons of Dexter and Big Love which I never would have gotten to see otherwise because I don't have any of the premium channels like HBO or Showtime. I wish they had more children's DVDs. They are a big lacking there but my kids still love to take out movies. Even if they end up taken a few of the same ones out over and over again!
Of course I do - you can get up to 3 DVDs, up to 5 CDs, and up to 20 books. The DVD selection is pretty extensive - well over 200 including movies of all genres as well as television series. The CD collection is rather less. Of course, this is the main branch versus the six or seven lesser branches all over town. For the record this ain't a big city so I don't know what to see about ya'll.
Several years ago when our cable was off I did use to frequent the library for videos and DVD'S. Sometimes they had a decent collection and surprisingly some nice music. I don't listen to music as much as I use to but when I did they had some good DVD's Getting the music especially is a good way to test the CD before actually buying it.