
Discussion in Health & Beauty started by Gelsemium • Mar 27, 2014.

  1. steph84

    steph84Active Member

    May 12, 2012
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    I never thought of it as a good tool to try to quit. I think that a lot of smokers don't like using e-cigs because it makes them look uncool or dorky. I have heard stories of how they explode all over people's faces so I know that some people are not really into buying them now because of that.
  2. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Really? That is like the main marketing too that electronic cigarette companies and manufacturers try to use to sell their products. I actually think that they first started out as a quitting tool, like the nicotine patches and such. I have been seeing them in my local Pharmacies for years, and it is only just now that they have taken on a more mainstream recreational use about them.
  3. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Not in public, it's not. When I eat french fries with a few people sitting at my table, I'm not then picking up extra fries and shoving them down the others' throats. I agree that you can do what you want with 'your' air, but you shouldn't dirty-up other people's air.
    more than $9.36 (most expensive cigarettes being $12.85 for a pack of 20, vs. one e-cig costing about $10)
    Plus, there's the high-cost (in cash)
  4. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Well when it comes to electronic cigarettes, people are legally allowed to smoke them inside of establishments. When you purchase an electronic cigarette, they come with a little legal notice usually that proves that they are supported as far as inside smoking goes. But most people who own electronic cigarettes have not got time to go around showing everyone that paper, I am guessing, so they just don't bother smoking inside.
  5. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I would totally go around showing everyone lol. Actually, I'd probably walk in holding it above my head while pointing at all the bathed in perfume folk "you're offensive, you're offensive, you're offensive, you're... omg, you need to shower immediately".
  6. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Hahaha!! You are such a Libra. The reason why I just didn't bother to take the paper places with me is because there is still that stigma about smoking, whether it is vape vapour or analogue cigarette smoke, and some establishment owners just don't want any part of or, or they just don't want to have to explain to other customers that the vapour is 'harmless'. Then there is the fact that I don't trust that vapour is in fact harmless, like they claim.
  7. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Yeah, I don't know anything about them. So my answer only applies if it turns out to be safe around others. Otherwise, I can't stand that some think it's fine and dandy to force their bad habits on others. Like smoking and bathing in perfume lol. What's in them exactly?
  8. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Lol! If I was a non-smoker and some electronic cigarette-head was harping on to the owner of an establishment, waving some paper around and talking about how it is legal to smoke them inside, I would be opposed to it. How are they going to say that it is legal to smoke them inside, when they have not determined if they are safe to inhale yet or not. Again, it is that whole thing of just because something is legal, people tend to associate it with safe. Just like legal highs.
  9. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    If I saw someone waving around their legal-to-smoke-inside papers, I'd be embarrassed for them lol.. It's not that I would actually run around waving papers in people's faces haha, I'm just making light of how maddening people are when they presume to tell others what they can and can't do in public if it has absolutely nothing to do with them, just because they don't personally like it. Like breastfeeding and going topless and PDAs and dressing however the hell you want... if e-cigs are found unsafe, then obviously it affects others and won't be added to my list that everyone should agree with lol ;)
  10. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Even after this explanation, I still say you are such a Libra. LOL. I am often the same way. I am always poking fun, even when it is in my best interest not to :) The breastfeeding thing is such fucking ridiculousness that I don't even know where to put my face when I admit that I am part of the human race. Preferably in the boobs that are doing the breastfeeding? Lol. I kid. I am not a fan of PDA, but I am not going to tell other people to stop doing it.
  11. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Well then, it's super convenient that I AM a libra then lol.. I've always lived up to my sign.. but I also live up to all the others LOL. Anyway, that's exactly my point... sorta.. how you don't like PDAs, but wouldn't say anything. Because you know it's none of your business and you have this nifty, sweet little thing called a neck that OMG, can totally turn your head to look in another direction!! It's amazing! It's unheard of! But let's all do that, shall we? lol. Because in this uber negative environment we all live in, why would we be so stupid as to tell people to stop being happy in their own ways?
    The breastfeeding thing bothers me to no end. Boobs are awesome, babies are awesome, put them together and everyone loses it. Uh oh, boobs being used for what they're meant for??? That just ruins life! haha. So because people sexualize absolutely everything, they expect a hungry infant to go sit in a disgusting bathroom or put a blanket over their heads to eat when I can't imagine they would do the same when they themselves are hungry. Everyone is far too self absorbed these days. People are dying over this obsession everyone has to make everyone live exactly as they do.. nobody can be different or live differently. It's time people got over themselves; live and let live.... because nobody knows when they'll be next on the hate list. It can happen for any reason now :/

    Wait.. what were we talking about again?
  12. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Lmfao!!! Don't poke fun at my beloved astrology, JosieP. That is one things that is off-limits. You are being too much of a Libra now :p hahahaha!!! You are right, my neck is very nifty. It is Android 5 Lolipop. What version of neck do you have? I am guessing that a lot of other people have older versions, which is why they are not able to turn their heads and look the other way in the event that they witness some PDA that makes them uncomfortable.

    I understand that when other people experience happiness, the whole universe benefits. Why would I want to stop that, as that also benefits me lol. But even forgetting that, I want to be happy. Why stop other people from being happy if it is not affecting me, especially when I could just turn the other cheek? Even better yet, I wish people would look within and look at WHY things like PDA make them uncomfortable, instead of blaming the perpetrators of the PDA, like they are the problem.

    Somehow we got here from electronic cigarettes lol.
  13. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    haha I don't know how I do that.. one topic can get me on 5 others within one paragraph and I totally lose track of the point lol. Senility must be creeping up on me early.

    It's funny how two people can look at the same thing so differently. The person next to me might look at PDA as seeking attention or rebellion or disrespect. I see it for what it is.. two people in love or infatuation. New or old relationship, it's an amazing feeling and lost on SOOOO many. Now which of us is going to walk away in a better mood than moments before? Me. The other person walked away more bitter than moments before. All because of a simple choice to look at things negatively because somehow it's so much easier to jump to than being positive and being happy for others and for ourselves. The same reason I won't get on e-smokers.. they want or need it for whatever reason and as long as I'm not breathing in toxins, that's your right and I wish you the best on your efforts to quit.. or just look cool. Your reasons are real to you lmao. There.. full circle.. I found a way to go off and bring it back to the topic without looking too senile. I hope? haha
  14. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    That is the mark of a true conversationalist. All of my favorite people are like this :) I am the same too. It can be frustrating when you are face to face though, and you go off on so many tangents, that you forget to make your main points, even though you know that they were juicy. It is better to have a wealth of things to talk about rather than nothing :)

    All according to where a person is vibrating on the emotional scale, that is how they will interact with the world - from that standpoint. Some standpoints remain the same throughout people's lives. Chronic standpoints, that could easily be shifted but won't be because it has become habit. Like one time I was dancing on the wall with my older sister as a child, and a lady walked past muttering about how disrespectful we were being under her breath. We were just dancing and expressing our creativity - and happy. But we did not let her ruin our fun. Lmao. I love how you brought it back to electronic cigarettes lol. Smart lady.