Don't want to pay full-price for almost anything you buy? Though it certainly does sound too good to be true, there is a way. There are a number of sites where you can buy discounted gift cards. Any time you want to buy something, you could take a look at these sites, see if you can find a gift card you can use and you'll be getting a 5% discount or at times even more.
Very good idea. Now that you mention it, I've always known about these sites but somehow I never remember them when I'm making purchases. This certainly would be a great first option to go to when it's applicable. I'll try to remember to go to these sites from now on before I make my purchase, especially for iTunes or steam. Does anyone have any suggestions on where the best sites are to buy these gift cards from?
That is a really good idea for saving money. I'm just not sure which sites are reputable. I would also need cards for places that are either brick and mortar or that offer free shipping or discounts on shipping. I don't like to pay those high shipping fees. It would eat up all my savings. Do you use any of these discount gift card sites? Do you recommend specific ones?
I haven't tried this before but it sounds very interesting. One site might be giftcardpool. Maybe swappable as well. One thing I heard on the radio was that pawn stores often have giftcards that they will see for 20 percent off. Obviously, the holidays are the time to get the bonanza on gift cards. also often seems to have cards that very discounted...but that would limit your restaurant choices.
From time to time I get myself a discounted gift card or sell gift cards I don't intend to use on one of these sites. Card Pool [Log In ] I believe is one of the best sites to buy them discounted gift cards. There are also a few other sites where you can also buy the gift cards but as yet I haven't bought or sold any gift cards on any of the other sites so I can't vouch for their trustworthiness.
Thanks for the info. I'd rather try one that someone has had experience with, so I'll keep these suggestions in mind. I wouldn't know where to begin otherwise, and I don't want to get scammed. The more I think about this, the more I like the idea. Even a few bucks here and there can start to add up, and I see people all the time talking about wanting to exchange their gift cards for cash (or other cards). Someone had vision with this idea. I wish I would have thought of it first.
I was buying discounted gift cards to save money, but for some reason I stopped. I did find that I was able to save money. Especially when you have a coupon or coupon code to combine with the discounted gift card. I am going to start doing this again.
Good idea, if only Ebay has those discounted gift cards then I would buy them as well. Locally though, I might scour the stores in here to check out the prices of gift cards.
Speaking of discount cards, we don't have that here anymore because there was an issue before that such were not being honored in some establishment. But fortunately my husband has a senior citizen card that gives him discounts on food and groceries. Naturally I always go to the supermarket with him in tow just so we can avail a 5% discount. Not much but at least I don't pay the regular price. And for the food, he gets 20% discount. I forgot to mention that 10% discount on medicines as well.
I have seen the information before from people purchasing items to sell on Amazon to get the discounted gift cards to help them get a better price on the items that they are going to sell on Amazon to give their buyers a better price.
I've never heard of this before now. Discounted gift cards sounds interesting. Like Ke I have not heard of this, but would like to find out more about discounted gift cards. If it saves money I'm interested!