Hi guys! For me, staying fit and healthy is one of the important needs I have to fulfill in order to live a long and healthy life. My dad has long been a gym buff ever since he was still single until now that he's a grand father. I also have friends who are really into working out in the gym. I guess enrolling in a gym really helps a lot in keeping fit but not everyone gets to enjoy the perks of paying for a gym membership so they choose other free ways of staying fit instead of having to pay for a gym work-out. I myself have no budget for a gym membership now so I prefer jogging or doing a walkathon in the park. There are also free aerobics and Zumba classes in our local park every morning and a lot of locals would often join. I'm contented with my usual jogging routine though so I don't join the free group work-outs. How about you guys, are you enrolled in a gym right now or do you exercise on your own?
I think that a person's lifestyle has a lot to do with this decision. All of my life, I have been an active person, and usually worked outdoors in many of the jobs that I had , as well; so I was able to keep pretty fit just from doing my daily activities. In the evenings, I would often take my dog and go for walks, and since I lived out in the country, there were the usual farm chores and livestock to care for. I simply had no need for a gym to work out . Now, I am a senior citizen, almost 72, and my body cannot do all of the manual labor that I used to be able to do. I live in town, and only have minimal yardwork to keep me busy outside. So, going to the fitness center is perfect for me at this time in my life. I swim and do water exercises, which are much easier on my body, and being able to exercise on some kind of equipment means that you can slow down or even stop when necessary, as opposed to a job where you have to keep working all day, or even outside walking, and then , you still have to walk back home, even when you get too tired. So, each person might have a different need for how they want to exercise,
I am overweight and I really need exercise. My high school chum is a gym manager in the mall and she has been offering me a membership with a big discount. But come to think of it - I would go to the mall to exercise so I have to use the car and pay for the parking. To make the story short, it is so expensive to enroll in the gym. So what I do is to make do with what we have in the house. I exercise on my own and sometimes my husband is teaching me new calisthenics so I wouldn't get bored. I think I'm doing okay with this exercise.
I have been to a gym. Believe it or not, I have not seen the inside of a gym. I believe the main motive of going to a gym is to build your body, build abs and develop muscles. If you are not trying to build muscular body, there is no need to go to a body, you can remain fit and tone up your body just by jogging 30 minutes in a day.
Gym memberships can be expensive, but if you get a good deal and are motivated to go then it can be worth it. I used to be in a gym, but I would force myself to go and it was more of a task to go there and I wanted value for money more than anything. I do feel if you have a specific goal and have limited space at home or parks nearby then it maybe a good option. Most people don;t have pools or parks nearby in cities so in that respect a gym would be worthwhile.