This is a simple homemade treatment for smelly feet. First, remove your footwear and clean all your footwear. Wash with soap and water if possible and for leather shoes, spray with disinfectant and expose to the sun for an hour. When done, it is time to cleanse the feet. Wash with soap and water. Soap the feet for the second time but let the soap remain for 2 minutes with continual massaging so the suds will be active. After 2 minutes or so, rinse the feet very well as if you are washing off the bacteria. Last step is to dry the feet with clean towel or cloth. Be sure that your feet are very dry before you wear a clean footwear. That’s it, no more odor.
This sounds good, though I do not really have the need for doing so, as I seldom wear close-toed shoes, it might still be good to clean our feet once in a while, and I believe it might make our feet feel comfortable too. Yes, I think making sure our feet is dry before we wear the shoes is important.
I have found that if we take feet massage every weekend, that can help cleanup our feet. And it can be also good for keeping out health in general. The blood circulation often reduces issues that we have in our toes and other parts. I think we should also keep the feet into the vinegar water or even the dettol water if possible. That way the odor can be removed.
I think changing socks regularly will keep fowl odor of your feet away to great extent but if you still suffer from that the best way to get rid is just put a little bit of talcum powder in your shoes before wearing them. I am very much sure you would not feel any bad odor after that.
I have never had such a problem since I never wear closed-toed shoes. But I think airing out your shoes in the sun daily will help dry out all the moisture generated by your feet. Changing socks daily will also help. Also, I know some people who sweat a lot while wearing shoes that results in smelly feet, powder their feet well with talcum powder before wearing them.. It also helps reduce this problem to a great extent.
In many instances, it's the moisture that moisture that has accumulated in the shoe that is the cause of the smelly feet problem. Therefore it's important that you should try to prevent moisture from building up in your shoe and if it should happen, you will have to use some type of compatible cleaning agent to clean the shoe and ensure that it's totally dried out to prevent the bad odor issue
Alexander, I have tried this treatment by now, I do have smelly feet and I do need a treatment for my problem. I have tried once with lemon but it didn't work for me! Washing my feet is something that I do every day few times a day but my feet still have a specific smell....
I don't think washing the feet alone can help with smelly feet. There could be a combination of factors responsible for this smell, one of which could be foot fungus. The best approach will be to check and rule out that this is not the case. Otherwise, you can try all the suggested steps including washing and using talcum powder in the socks/shoes before your wear your shoes. Another thing that can help is if you alternate between wearing open-toed shoes and close heeled shoes. This allows your feet to breathe and expels any moisture and smell.
This is a good information on how to maintain a good and healthy feet. It all broads on one's ability to take good care of himself or herself. Some people are too lazy to actually do all these things, as they see it as irrelevant ; saying that only one bath is good enough to take care of their feet conditions but they are so wrong. Feet are one of the major areas in one's body where bacteria and fungi thrive very well and if you are not careful enough in taking care of your feet would give you a series health problems. You might start experience scratching feet and broken feet. This is very painful especially when water touches the feet. A good clean foot wear and constant changing of of socks would go a long way in helping you maintain a healthy feet.
Wow, that is quite a simple and very effective method. Another thing that I would suggest, is the use of Epsom salt. It helps kill the bacteria and fungi that are responsible for fixing feet odor, and also has a magnesium component that helps fix any disorder, such as the feet swelling. I also agree with what @Ray1 has said. Regularly changing socks helps, but they should always be clean and completely dry.
This is a very good information @Alexandoy. I rarely wear shoes now for the work and sandals are comfy and easy for me. But when I wear shoes in the future I would definitely have this information in mind and follow this. Thank you for sharing.
This information is really helpful to my friend when I told him about it and is quite simple and easy. I want to thank you @Alexandoy specially for this. But I want inquire whether there is any method that can help eradicate feet odor permanently. Also, what factors can cause this feet odors.
I have tried a lot of different things here but nthing has really blown me away. The powder stuff that you can get works pretty well for me, but even that does not last all that long.
Thanks @Alexandoy for the simple home treatment to get rid of smelly feet. I immerse my feet in warm salt water. Add a few drops of lavender oil to the water and you feel more relaxed. After 10 or 15 minutes, just scrub your feet gently with a pumice stone and wash your feet in warm water. Pat dry and massage your feet with a moisturizing lotion. This is what I do biweekly and make my feet smell good.
I remember my brother used to soak his feet in hot water and eventually he did not do it anymore, so I assume that soaking your feet in hot water works? He also applied foot powder on his feet as well.
I think this happens more with those who wear socks and closed shoes. Mine are open toed shoes and my feet are well aired. I have neverewashed my shoes unless they are waterproof or meant for the rainy weather
Thank you for sharing this tip @Alexandoy . This is really my problem with my son. He has a smelly foot. I actually bought him a disinfectant but sometimes it doesn't work most especially if his shoes are locally made. I will tell my son to try this helpful tips from you. I'm very glad I see and read this thread. Hi @tallulah , I always wear closed shoes, in fact, most of the time but my foot is not smelly. I think you're right maybe because of foot fungus. My son's foot is so smelly. I bought him foot powder but it doesn't work. I change it to spray disinfectant but still, it is smelly. Although not really strong because of the disinfectant. My son has a sweaty foot and maybe that's the cause of foot fungus as what you have mentioned here. I will try what Alexandoy shared and I hope it will work for my son.
They say that the feet have more sweat glands than anywhere else in the body-but also the sweat glands in the feet secrete all the time, no matter if you are working-out or not. Also you should wear different shoes than the day before ,because the sweat kind of soaks into them. Make sure to wash your feet everyday and between the toes especially and let dry-wear clean socks and spray some deodorant on your feet.
Cleanliness is really a key to me. You should be clean first. I got to know so much here and this will be I am sure very helpful for those who need it. Log In with order online.