You have the time and want to spend a little bit of it maybe looking around to see what whatever you want to buy [in future] costs. It doesn't sound like the best way to spend you time especially if you have some money or your credit card in your pocket. The temptation to buy something might prove to be too hard to resist. For me that's one reason why I never do go browsing in stores. Do any of you go to stores to "browse?" Ever bought something you hadn't planned to buy?
Yeah I do this most of the time. Sometimes when my mom's picking up the groceries I don't go with her and I wait for her at a bookstore or a hobby shop. I mostly read books and figure manuals to pass the time because I'm a huge fan of reading. I just browse though. I'm not really the kind of person who buys something I didn't plan on buying in the first place. Whenever I buy something, it is planned beforehand. I always canvass for the best prices before buying a product because I'm a huge freak when it comes to saving money from the best deals in town.
I sometimes do that, go to the store just to browse for anything that I might need in the future. I prefer going to the bookstore especially when meeting up with friends. Browsing books, magazines and novels while waiting for your friends to arrive is a sure way to kill the time and you wouldn't even notice the time or how long have you been waiting for them.
My husband can't wrap his head around it, but yes I enjoy this very much from time to time. I on't even mind going on my own. I love to window shop and browse, even when I'm broke. It gives me ideas for when I do have money LOL I am very disciplined and very rarely get swayed to buy anything that I didn't already plan to buy, luckily
I like to browse, but not for too long. Usually I'm checking out the price of things or looking at the quality, but as I don't buy much these days, I browse only for a purpose when I need something. I think in tourist areas, the owners must get tired of people who browse and never buy. I used to work on a beauty counter and most people browsed and never bought, but we had to pay them attention in case we were mystery shopped.
I'm definitely not a browsing type of person, possibly mainly down to the fact that I'm male! When it comes to shops and shopping I'm a very direct person. If I need or want something then I'll look on the internet, research and view the best I can afford, then either order it to be delivered or I'll go and get it and come back home. I don't like going wandering round shops for hours when I need something, so I'm definitely not a fan of doing that when I don't.
I'm good with not buying while browsing.. I don't think most of what's out there is worth the cost lol. But I do enjoy browsing. I usually do it online, to get ideas for things to make myself or ways to update the things I already have or for ideas for giving a room a makeover. I get lots of good ideas just looking through products or the pictures of their products in rooms too. I'm not into trends, that's not what I mean.. but it gets my imagination going
I used to do it more often. I did it to simply get out of the house. Instead of being stuck in doors. Usually what happened was I got depressed that I could not buy many of the current trend clothing. What i would do instead is buy a little treat. Did not help will weight management. Now I browse to compare prices, so eventually I do spend money.
Oh all the time, I probably only buy about 1/3 or 1/4 times when I go to a shop (excluding grocery shopping) I think window shopping is very common, probably more so amongst men than women.
I mostly do it when I go to the mall. If I have to go to the mall for a specific item, I will stay for a while and browse through other shops since I went to the trouble of going to the mall in the first place. I also like to wander through furniture stores and look for ideas. Sometimes I like to redecorate a room or purchase all new furniture and it takes a while to save up the money to do this. I will go to the furniture store, get ideas and make note of the prices of things I like.
I do this a lot especially when I foresee a huge shopping day within a few days or weeks. I usually like scouting everything out first so I'd have a much clearer perspective on my own budget and where I might be tempted to splurge. This way I could still work luxury items into the budget without feeling too guilty about going over budget a little.
I'm not very fond of browsing. I do my browsing online or at the flea market. Flea markets have a lot of interesting stuff to look at. I avoid stores unless I'm buying OR I've never been in a particular store before and I want to get an idea of what's there. I like buying from small locally owned stores when possible but I need to scout them to know what they have before I can plan what to buy there.
I do this because I like to see if there is anything that I could want in the future. I know it looks suspicious in the type of neighborhood that I live in, but I don't care. I especially like to go into dollar stores and just walk around and other retail stores because of the availability of so many things. I don't do this with clothing nor specialized stores most of the time.
I do browse and I take photos of items I want to buy, and the price tags. Someone at Marshall's asked me what I was doing once and when I explained that it was a visual shopping list, she totally got it. Anyway, after I leave the stores, I review the photos later and I find that I can delete at least half of the photos. If I've been looking at a photo of an item for a couple of days, and I can't stop thinking about it, then I go back and buy it. I don't consider these impulse purchases because I've been mulling them over for a couple of days. I'm pretty sure that just having my camera with me has saved me from making impulsive purchases because looking at an image of the item away from the store gives me time to think about whether I really need it.
I am not shopper and try to keep it short and simple when I need something. I can't stand the mall worst of all. I don't have the time not the desire to wander around any store if ibhave no intention to buy something. When I need to shop, I know exactly what I want, go in and try to leave quickly.
Lol. I have always understood this concept - going into a store or a shop just to browse the merchandise? But I have never been that person. Despite being a Libra, and apparently loving shopping - which is so not me - I don' like to spend a lot of time browsing. If I go into a store, it is because I know what I am going to buy beforehand, and that is the only goal.
I thought of one type of store that I LOVE to browse in. I go into book stores and libraries and even flea market book stalls to browse the books. At bookstores, I buy a coffee and wander the aisles. Then I snap a picture of any book that interests me so I can get a digital copy.
I love to browse when I'm in Lowe's. I'm there to make a purchase but I browse just the same. I know that I won't be spending any more money than I have for my purchase. I browse from the lumber yard at one end to the garden center at the other checking out to aisles in between.
Yes, I go to browse all the time. i think browsing is a great way to price compare. You really can't know if you are getting the best deal out there without doing a little research. This also helps me know what time of year things go on sale. Browsing also relaxes me. If I 'need' a specific item, I feel pressure and then it is not as enjoyable.
My legs get tired easily if I walk a great distance, so I don't really browse store items out of the blue unless I plan to buy something specific like shoes, phones or something. But browsing just for the heck of it? Not really, since walking from shop to shop strains my under-exercised legs.