Anyone ever wish that you could pay a discounted amount and just buy the coupons in the newspaper instead of getting the whole newspaper? I buy 4 papers every week for the coupons and end up throwing all of the newspapers out. What a waste.
You can always use the newspaper to fertilize your garden. But yes I know how you feel. I just get one delivered to my house for the coupons but I never even read the paper. I send it to my mother’s so she can put it in her garden so at least it gets some use. You can get most of those same coupons online at and You just have to print them and that can get expensive on your ink.
Recycle, recycle, recycle. Yes, I too have guilt from throwing the papers out. I have often wondered if I should take the papers somewhere, like a nursing home perhaps.
You can go online and print out coupons, so you don't waste news papers. It's a shame that people end up throwing out the whole paper. I recycle my newspaper, but I understand everyone doesn't have this available to them.
You can also buy full inserts on ebay for less than the cost of a paper. Sometimes I will just buy 1 paper then search ebay for the exact coupons I want to stock up on. The 1 paper I buy serves as a guide to what I should look for on ebay. That way I can get 10, 20 or 30 of the coupon I need without all those I don't.
I prefer searching coupons online as it is free and environment friendly. A lot of people are not aware of this this but there are many companies that regularly issue coupons just for online use. These coupons cannot be found in newspapers and sometimes the deals are valid only for a day or even few hours. I have nothing against newspaper coupons but I prefer to use the search button on my browser rather than sifting through pages and pages of a newspaper.
This is a very good tip and I do it too. A lot of people don't know about it but this is an easy way to get the coupons that you want.