Personally, I pay for G2 pens, as I have always loved the quality and the way they write. I think if I can get great quality for $6, I don't need to even look into a pen for $600.
We use G2s at work and I’ve become so used to them, I need to buy myself a pack or two because I’ve come to dislike most other pens. Though I do still love Gelly Rolls for fun colors and novelty, and Pentel RSVPs if I must use a ballpoint. Still nothing in the range of hundreds of dollars, though
From my line of work, we also get a lot of promotional pens (many of which aren't exactly good). When I do buy pens though, the ones I get are usually worth half a dollar and never more than that. There's a brand here called Faber Castell that's worth that, and it lasts very long. I can't imagine paying a dollar or more for a single pen.